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Published on 10 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 2 years ago  
sbseed 2 years ago

should have taken photo/video of the license plate as well...

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KEEPER 2 years ago

I think he did, that was in another video though that I didn't upload.

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sbseed 2 years ago

@KEEPER: good

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sbseed 2 years ago

ordnance is not law, it is not constitutional...

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Town Of Spruce Pine
Po-Leece Department.

Police Officers

Police Chief
Bill Summerlin

Kasey Cook
Michael Hollifield

Michael Briggs

Kelly Johnson
Mission Statement

Spruce Pine Police Department members shall strive to accomplish this mission while upholding constitutional rights and exercising fair and courteous treatment to everyone. Our mission is to provide quality law enforcement and public safety services to our community. We will protect the rights of all under the established laws by maintaining order, forming partnerships with the community, and preserving human dignity.

In case of an Emergency dial 9-1-1.
Office of Spruce Pine Police Department (828) 765-2233
Non-emergency or dispatch (828) 688-9110

3 pm here is 1am there.....
11 pm here is 9 am there.

This is so ripe for ridicule.........

"Hello Thar, is this the Chief of Po-Leece?"

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KEEPER 2 years ago

nice going man,

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@KEEPER: Your cousin in the video, he sure has got a purty mouth. Can you make him squeal like a piggy?

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@KEEPER: Are you old enough to remember "Deliverance?" and the rape scene?

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: nah, but i remember the OJ Simpson trial sort of, i was a kid at the time.

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@KEEPER: I had an answering machine, I left a message on it, "I want you to pull down your pants and squeal like a pig!" - Some people "got it" and thought it was funny - others, not so much. LOL Got the accent right and everything.... Sounded pretty good to me.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: that movie came out roughly 15ish years before i was born.

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@KEEPER: I was somewhere around 10 years old when it came out... I think its a brilliant movie... I have like a photographic memory and so I am reluctant to rewatch movies I have seen a few times..... And this was psychologically "disturbing" as it was very much akin to real life.... especially when the guys were feeding the sherrif shit to get out of a crime they were not worthy of going to trial over, and then the guys follow up nightmares and the dead guys hand coming up out of the flooding dam.... Kind of disturbing.

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@KEEPER: Have you ever seen Eraser Head? There is nothing disturbing in the movie, like it's a theatrical production right..... but the really "disturbed" effect, comes from having seen it... I understand it's just a movie, but the deep undecurrents in it, for the next two weeks I felt like going off for a few months holiday in a psych hospital...... And then I found it had that effect on a lot of the reviewers... No spoiler alerts here.... It's worth watching... Nothing much happens in it at all... no stabbings through the shower curtain or murders etc.., just fuck all really.....

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Here is another "nightmare fuel" - of normal people doing normal things that is crazy fuck disturbing kinds of shit..... It's an old Australian movie called "Wake In Fright" - definitely worth seeing.

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What part of the US and A do these here accents be a coming from?
Chickoree AutoCat - these have to be some of the dumbest dun po-leece, I dun have eva seed!

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KEEPER 2 years ago

i think someone said this is in commifornia, but idk for sure.

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@KEEPER: The two Po-Leece looks like Kissing Cousins.... "We done need to get some tension relief - just stay here a while and we will be back soon"

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: ah my bad then, i just remember hearing someone say it, but i thought i heard commifornia, but it's Carolina, i guess they are going the commie route.

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@KEEPER: Found it....,_Nor I missed the name in the video title..... Only saw "Po-Leece" and not the "Spruce Pine".....,_North_C and this is probably the NEW-ISH looking highway

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@KEEPER: Actually I am quite surprised that as an American (I am assuming) that your not able to almost pick the city, if not the state, by the accent.... Your not aware of this, but you can pick where people are from in Australia, but the variations in their accents... It's a bit more subtle than the variations of other places and peoples... But the variations exist - and Americans have a much wider variation amongst their reigons than Australia.... We have a ONE national broadcaster and people tend to homogenize around the average WITH the variations of district and location....

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KEEPER 2 years ago

if they can't get you to leave, they will make up laws where none exist because they are hoping that you will fold to their demands, but if you happen to be an educated individual and know the laws, they will typically run away or call for more backup, and even if they do arrest you, you can supply this as proof that they lied and broke the law in order to wrongfully arrest you.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

and this is when they typically get fired from their job and then sued.

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I just "lawve th' Accent" - Jimbo and Leeroy.....

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