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Square Peg Round Hole

Published on 01 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 1 month ago

I read recently that several high ranking male officers in the RAF who did strategy and training were forced out so a bunch of femons and DEI's could have their jobs. China then hired them to teach their air force how to take down British planes. Doh!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 month ago

Feminizing something is to remove males and get femons in, then to take over by getting more femons in, the same way they have taken over male spaces, trouble is they can't organize a piss up in a brewery and can only virtue signal

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mrghoster 1 month ago

A Femon SAS? - "Silly And Stupid" is what I guess it would mean? lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 month ago

What would happen when they get a period?

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mrghoster 1 month ago

Look at almost everything the UK came up with that once worked. A Police "SERVICE" as it was once called , not a "FORCE", that is corrupt as hell, the British invented the Railways and look at the crap service that offers these day's. Money or the greed of it and tech have and continue to destroy not make thiungs easier or better. I'm really looking forward to something happening (and it will) that will destroy it all and a basic restart will be needed and it will be the MEN, you know those humans that were treated like shit that will be expected to sort oit all out. I'll probable be long dead so I don't give a monkey's anyway but if it did happen whilst I'm still alive I would enjoy it very much and I guess many MEN would as well, because we pretty much have nothing left to give so we save ourselves and ourselves alone.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 1 month ago

Males have created and femons only have destroyed, that why the councils are shit as it has mostly femons running things

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mrghoster 1 month ago

@SoloMan Zone: Our local Council is ALL femon and it's also a Labour council as well, totally fucking useless and not fit for purpose but they take ovbe £100 a month from me and I get nothing in return.

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