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Published on 20 Apr 2021 / In Entertainment

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Shouldn't have left his taser at home.

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blkhand 4 years ago

LMFAO good beat his ass

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

You must be a Black weemon huh . Remember the blacks are just 18% of the population when the Majority get tired of this shit they will Walk over the 18 % so fast your head will spin . You like a good fight your going to get one . you better think hard before your smug ass is LYFHO . People so stupid WAH WAH WAH ( Tom Makdonald ) look up the song Dumb Ass !

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Longshanks 4 years ago

Nah the welfare will be cut and they will eat their babies then each other. Get drones to record overhead.

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Mr_Sluggo 4 years ago

HEY!!!! A BT100 0 has entered into our chat. Quick...Yank that weave from its head . (That weakens them)

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

Please do not assume that everyone "black" are the same people. If it was really that bad, chick should have kept walking. Flightless birds ( birds of a feather). The Ostrich that will lay an egg and then step on it crushing it forgetting where she laid it. Damn.

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Doggk 4 years ago

Of course not.. I have alot of Black subscribers and they know that it's not racist at all.. Every race on earth has those kind of low class low IQ people ruining everything for everyone.. Same thing for the blacks, arabs, jews, whites etc.. I know a lot of blacks who are tired of these people ruining the entire reputation of the black race.. That's why I expose them, to make it clear that not all blacks are like that ;-)

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pjeffery7 4 years ago

@Doggk: I am a blk dude who is tired of these low IQ blk bitches w/no class. I feel bad for the baby. They mimic what they c.

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Doggk 4 years ago

@pjeffery7: Exactly !! That's the entire point !

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

Well again I disagree Dogg . I Like you & your Videos Buuuut I disagree . Once she hit him it's on ! And On with complete blind Fury and each bitch that stepped up would get a neck shot or an eye put out Complete and Disabling Attack . The Bitch should never hit anyone especially with her kid with her ! And if EVERY Man would treat these Weemen like a equal (Just like they say they want ) Treat them like if a Man hit them. and Give them the one second take out . And if it goes to court it's self defense the same if it were two Men . The Femanatzys Made me this Way ! NO MERCY !

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mrghoster 4 years ago

fefails thing it's tough to hit out against anyone especially a MAN. The truth is actually when she attacked him she had already LOST it. MEN come on AVOID fefails completely.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@mrghoster: Unless they hit you !... Then it's Time to Phuck up there Day !

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Doggk 4 years ago

Yup of course, but who's going to lose his job? who's going to risk charges for assault? who risks his life over a silly dispute ? That bitch can call some gangbangers and at the minute you get out of your work BOOM taratatata DRIVEBY... You're dead or seriously injured.. and who has the best chances to escape justice ? You get me ? That's why the best option is to stay away from anger.. Proof in the video.. Everyone started to beat this guy.. What if a retard in that group pulled out a knife ?..The best thing to do to avoid such accidents, is to leave them alone.. If she touched you, take your distance and just take your phone and record.. Call the cops. As simple as it is.. Cops in the US are so fast that in less than 10-15 minutes they are there.. In Europe it might take half an hour to 2 hours.. So responding to a bad energy with a bad energy will only increase the bad energy.. If you do it with a good energy it destroys litteraly the bad energy or decreases its power..

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: Hay Dogg. What I see that is happening is the Left and BLM is forcing a Race War . The NEWS and everyone on the left is in on it . Maxcine watters is still calling for white people to get beat down . Every one on the left say if your white YOU ARE A RACIST ! And as we speak our Country is going Communist the NWO is taking over using the C-19 to make you wear a mask so everyone looks the same turning all of us into lemmings . JUST follow and do what we say Ergo the lockdown ! You know I'm in Oregon and every night People are getting Shot and Killed and It's NOT on the NEWS . My Brother lives in Portland and two people got Killed 3 blocks from his house and the shooter was never found. And Gun fire goes off in my neighborhood and the Cops Don't show up . And if you call the cops it takes them so long to show up everything is Over ! There Just there to do the Paperwork . They don't come to save you ! I don't even go to get my Mail without my Pistol Open carry so everyone can see they will get Shot if they fuck with me ! And I have been trained to Kill by the Best ! I wonder how the other People feel that cant even Fight or protect themselves . It's all falling apart . Soon there will be no jobs when the NWO is done with there Reset ! World War Three Has Started and the People Don't even Know it . People Will Have to Stand on there Feet and Fight for there Freedom OR Serve on there Knees . And Now the People are so Weak They cant fight Back Even if they Wanted To . As For Me I'm Going Down Fighting ! I Will Die A Free American . ( And Take As Many of the NWO With Me When I GO ! ) The End Times Are Here Right Now . It's In The Book !

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: man i dunno if it is a race war per-se but more along the lines of the simp army and low iq npc libtards versus those with a brain. Like I would prefer to have tommy sotomayor as my neighbor than a white libtard. White libtards are the primary cause of the death of this country, the other groups don't have the numbers to win yet without the white libtards. It is too late to fix for 2 reasons: women are the majority of the population and vote to the left. The population under 15 in the US is majority non-white. Statistically, nobody except white males consistently vote majority republican, and the republican party has also not had a good track record lately. Whites will still be a sizable minority for some time, but if you are not a libtard, you need to get out of the cities of the US at this point. The libtard whites and the United Simps are going to get themselves killed soon and it is pointless to die against these retards. I recommend listening to Turd Flinging Monkey, I think he has really good insight on these issues. Remember the only way biden can win is due to white libtards, without them he would have lost. Trump was just a rest stop on the highway to hell, he turned out to be rather ineffective and now we are truly fucked as a country. Democracy has failed and Biden winning has proved that.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: You have made a few points to address . First they have to make it about race (divide & conquer) Even though the simp's are a big problem as stupid followers . The Left Big wigs give the libtard's there marching Orders . Now to the normal black people I know I have Played Music for over 40 years with Many black ,whit, red , yellow and every other kind of people ! In Music there is NO color and I never had a racist bone in my body until the Left and BLM told me I was a racist. Now I am Even if I'm not Just ask them ! ...Next I live a hour outside the City and still I am Armed to the Teeth . And almost all my friends are Vietnam Vets and are Adept in the art of Killing Each one would have at lest a 100/1 Kill Ratio Against the Weak army of left wing Dumb asses . And to the Last Point Biden did NOT win the left STOLE the Election this was caught on tape and was not looked at by the court's I would assume they were under some kind of Threat . IE the Safety of there Family or ? who knows. In any case a Race War is the Quickest way to tear the Country Apart . At least this is how I see it and it's evident in there actions . Just Watch the NEWS .

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: haha nice. you gotta get your brother to come live with you man it is too crazy in portland. I see what you are saying, that people are assuming you are racist now just because you happen to be white.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Well they say I'm a racist.. ILL have to ask my two Black friends when I Go to the Studio to record some stuff on Saturday . Lol

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: well i for one am not falling for the bs they are saying. I leave that to the simp army for them to soak up all the bullets so there are not left for me haha. Im developing a plan to get out of the city. This is like watch a slow motion death of a nation at this point. whats scary is it is worse elsewhere. I think the average iq is falling rapidly in this country which is why these things can happen. The mainstream culture has been won by the libs at this point and they are pushing a strange brand of satanism at this point

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I have been getting for this shit for a few years I have 2 Bugout Vehicles and so much other shit the CIA checked me out . And the Left satin lovers are so stupid I kind of feel Bad It's like Killing Children or Retards !

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: It should say ( I have been getting *ready* for this shit . ooops

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