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Star Trek Let That Be Your Final Battlefield Intro Stunt Doubles

Published on 21 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

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jim bennett
jim bennett 10 days ago

My comments will reflect my efforts to keep up with the changes I see coming as I interpret it.. not meant to offend.. The racist claptrap gobbledygoop Americans have been served to gaslight them , will be falling on deaf ears once the US fails at securing the ukraine for europe.. I do believe the empire is about to crumble and not so sure Americans once aware of how things really work , will be wanting to support europe and israel.. losing hegemony and saudi oil ,, chinese goods. ,, The whole bullshit show will crumble.. and the man behind the curtain will be seen..
I highly doubt there will be a ww3. I have invested in my life.. not some inflationary credit empire built on enslaving 3rd world chattel.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 10 days ago

It's gonna be interesting..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 9 days ago

Kind of the same concept.. the video depicts supposed racism based on a subtle differnce among zebra people.. ego self interest, I am superior.. Is the same with the weirdos touting causes.. Race bombs dropped,, the weirdos claim superiority status that they are not racist.. while the normal peop;le are just standing there wondering what they are talking about.. then are informed that they are racist .lol.. by the tuti fruitis..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 9 days ago

RACISM / ANTI RACISM , SUPERIORITY COMPLEX is the same thing, fuck you.. Some people just want to make a living.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 9 days ago

Ita the media that puts the divisive issue out there in the first place.. Rich lazy worthless fcuks want cheap labor..

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James1225 10 10 days ago

For the third and forth….Cheers

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 days ago

Cheers buddy, you just bought a round

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James1225 10 days ago

Botox might even out the line between the black and white..just saying lol.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 days ago

It was a bitch to put that makeup on!

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James1225 10 days ago

@SoloMan Zone: best not to imbibe before the application of makeup….lol

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 days ago

@James1225: Going for my second beer

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Drums_McBashington 10 days ago

You can almost hear some Ennio Morricone at the end.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 days ago

He did like the close up of the eyes a bit

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