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Star Wars: Gynocentrism Awakens Movie Review

Published on 23 Oct 2016 / In People & Blogs

I review Star Wars Episode 7. Fun was had by all.




So I got a phone call from one of my MGTOW minded friends asking if I wanted to go see the new Star Wars movie with him. As I enjoy Sci-Fi and have seen all the previous installments in the series, I decided to accept his offer to see the movie. Before seeing this movie I had no awareness of any aspect about what it would contain. I had not seen any trailers, or heard any rumors as to the plot. The extent of my knowledge was solely contained to me being aware that this movie exists.

Upon arriving to the cinema, I had made a prediction to my friend as to what this movie will be like. I predicted it would be somewhere between Jar Jar Binks and Sense 8. With this expectation firmly set, I can safely say that I was not disappointed. With that said, let us cover the positive aspect of the film first. The movie went back to an artistic style reminiscent of the way the original trilogy was filmed. The use of green screens was put on the back seat in lue of using puppets and hand built sets. This gave the movie a pleasant and natural feel which had been lacking in Episode 1 through 3.

Now, let us move onto to the rest of the film. As the movie begins we are quickly introduced to the First Order, which to my understanding, was a PR exercise of rebranding the Empire. All the familiar ships and motifs of the empire are recreated in the first order from the humble Tie Fighter to the enormous triangular ships which come across more enormous then their original incarnations. The empires PR team had apparently thought it prudent to adopt a Hitleresque disposition. This is made obvious later in the movie where General Adolf is all but foaming at the mouth spewing a speech to thousands of storm troopers standing in battalion formation. The color symbolism and arrangement of flags, as well as the design of the new empire flag itself is all but stolen from video footage of Hitler’s speeches. The new empire has been rebranded to be irrationally evil in a way that the empire never was in the original series. I suppose the battalions of storm troopers are also meant to add to the Hitleresque mystique as a storm trooper uniform is white. Perhaps this was meant to show that white people are evil?

But this new empire also seems to be progressively evil as we come to meet token black Iscariot. Indeed token back Iscariot is the only black character I noticed in the entire movie. It is one of those strange realizations that only comes to you when the movie is over. Now, Token has a moral crisis when given an order to gun down a bunch of peasants; a moral crisis that could have only come as a consequence of his stint as a janitor on planet Final Solution as it is revealed that storm troopers in the new Empire are indoctrinated since birth to the ideology of the new empire. I am pretty sure there were mandatory affirmative consent classes thrown in there somewhere as well. Not only is Token’s moral crisis highly unbelievable, his character also suggests there is some sort of career progression within the new Empire if indeed he graduated from janitor to Storm Trooper.
Soon after we meet Token, we also meet Darth Emo, the son of Han Solo and new hair General Leah. Apparently Leah had been demoted from royalty to mere General in this series due to modern animosity towards princesses. Now, if we are to accept Leah as the leader of the “Resistance” which has also undergone a PR rebranding from the Rebel Alliance, we can safely conclude that she is a piss poor General. The simple question that comes up is how did the new rebel alliance not sabotage the construction of Planet Final Solution.

That project must have taken decades to complete and the amount of money and man power required would be impossible to conceal. In addition to this, how did the new Empire ever have time to come into being after the Rebels defeated the empire in episode 6? It’s like the new Empire was just given 40 years to work in peace; so yes, she is a piss poor General.

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