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Published on 11 Sep 2024 / In Gaming

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sbseed 7 months ago

demonic heresy at jewbisoft...

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KEEPER 7 months ago

i have my popcorn nice and ready for all of this stuff lol

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KEEPER 7 months ago

besides we know why people still use youtube, it's where they receive the higher numbers of everything, from views subscribers to monetization pay, like i just learned how the monetization of twitch works through some other youtuber, they talked about how twitch takes at least 90% of all earned revenue, and that the only people who make shit loads of money are the ones who have millions of subs, but youtube is much better, even though the platform censors or demonetizes for all kinds of dumb reasons, so this explains why people tow the line and stay on youtube, the potential for making money and being seen is just much higher than anywhere else, unless you can make your own followers follow you to the new platforms, like there are many things causing most youtubers from coming to this site, and sad to say, this site isn't up to par on more than a few things when it comes to technology, it's just not very good, but it's ok for what it is, we get by according to Amr the site owner, but he still has to work on the side to keep maintaining the site, the site is more of a hobby and to help men, and in return we attempt to try and help him including the bigger channels who constantly shill for this site, the bigger names who do talk about this site are sandman, and hammerhand and Popp i don't know of any other channels who shill for the site some of the channels are clone accounts for certain kinds of content, like for example the quartering isn't really on this site, his content however is mirrored to the site to provide more variety, Amr came up with that idea on his own, i couldn't be more proud, because variety of content is what this site needs just as rumble needs it as well.

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