Start Trek Short Circut Stunt Doubles
Published on 15 May 2021 / In
Film & Animation
The crew likes music
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Canadian dude I saw at fair a few years ago.. have a beer and watch this dude live.. lol.
When are they going to reach the Planet "Vaginous"? and get a chance to use those photon Rocket's on the local population know as "Vagina's" and the shy "See U Next Tuesday's" affectionately known as the (CUNT's)!
The Enterprise discover's Planet ROCK!
The planet looks similar to Venus in appearance. The second 'rock' from the sun. With thick atmosphere and cloud. By the way, I believe it's okay to let everyone to have fun sometimes. That's include Geoffrey too. He's stuck in the ship for too long. This could be the shortest notes in the captain's log.
There is NO denying it....U R Clever.