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Stoic Solutions Podcast 82 Positive Masculinity, Response to American Psychological Association

Published on 04 Apr 2020 / In Entertainment

⁣I offer a response to a recent article from the American Psychological Association which considers traditional masculinity -- marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, and aggression -- to be, on the whole, harmful. Classical Stoicism, free from unhelpful feminist ideology, maintains that all are capable of virtue and provides a framework by which all can live better lives.

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Podcast music, used with permission, is from Fairyland's album 'Score to a New Beginning.' View their Facebook page here:

John Bartmann offered free consultation and audio edits for episodes 51-63.


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MadrigalTV 5 years ago

All are equal in their capacity to be virtuous, but not in their willingness; an important distinction when considering how to apply one's Stoic principles in the real world.

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MadrigalTV 5 years ago

The APA has lost all credibility in my eyes. Such a biased, unscientific, utterly ridiculous article would not be accepted from a high school level student, never mind any serious professional body.

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Lexs_World 5 years ago

The apa has lost some real value in recent and if they keep up adding political ideations like this to psychiatric treatment and doctrine, were going to see some horrible realities. Imagine a schizophrenic being bashed on for white privilege or being told they need to be more feminine. The psychological community lost all credibility the moment they voted to classify transgender a sexuality when none of the psychological symptoms they display never changed and never got spoken of. I can get behind the idea that hypermasculinity or excessive aggression is inappropriate to see in a child because it could be a warbing sign that something is wrong, but the moment they begin talking like a burning SJW, i completely lose interest in having any dialogue about the topics and just feel an urge to push back and defend those things. Sjw doctrine is literally revolting to me and i feel it everytime i see it in society. In video games, comics, movies, youtube videos, social media policy and biased liberal treatment i get automatically turned off. I havent even seen a new movie since 2013. I completely lost interest in going

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