Stop Going Bald
Published on 17 Jun 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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I had a GF many years ago that had had so many face lifts she had a Gotti! lol! (work it out)?
It's hard to tell on a percentage of bald guys as so many shave their heads to conform with the current MORON look, the look of the slave, but I would guess a good majority of them do it because they are balding. I like you come from a family of MALE Mop Top's and now heading for 70 I still have a fair mop of hair.
Male Baldness I believe is Genetic anyway? Femon baldness - YES that's right is on a massive increase due to I expect any number of reason's?
Although I'm not going bald or anything. I've thought about the problem. I don't think it's a coincidence there's no cure for it since it mostly effect men. I'm almost certain, if it was a problem most women faced. We would have had a cure probably decades ago. When problem arise that effect women. Shit gets done.
A man's hair falls in the third quarter of his life.. then it turns white.. Just like there are evergreen trees some men never shed their hair.. The question is , how did mans biology mimick his enviro? hmm..