Stop It Amber- Amber Heard Calls Verdict A “Setback” For Women! “ I’m Sad I Lost This Case”
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Published on 05 Jun 2022 / In
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Johnny Depp abused, women most affected...
Johnny Depp 10 plus and counting. Amber Terd - minus 10 and counting.
Will that dumb lying cunt ever catch on to just how full of shit she really is and how every time it opens it's rubber dick hole, just how much of a stupid stupid liar she looks with every statement?
Nope - which is why she is, and always has been, nothing but a retarded, nasty, sack of shit.
This is the last article about her that I ever want to tune into.
She is just so totally fucked - she is one of the best salesman that feminism EVER had.
This certainly a set back for femons as they may have supply real proof in similar cases and not just say it happened