Stories from women who have used a male prostitute reddit AskReddit stories
Published on 07 Jul 2023 / In
Film & Animation
❤️Women who have ever utilized the service of a male prostitute, what was the experience like?
😃r/AskReddit Reddit stories told by the best reddit askreddit ASMR channel on youtube.
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The escort hired an escort.
they are NOT strait if they are willing to have another dude in the room... what the fucking hell, holy simpstitutes fatman...
all these degenerates need to be shot and turned into fertilizer...
its ok for them to have male 'sex workers' but its horrible for men to get female 'sex workers'... LMAO
there should be shame FOR ANYONE PAYING FOR SEX... but then again guys are forced to do that if they decide to get married or want to date so...