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Strong Delude independent women are full of CRAP

Published on 03 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation

Those of you who are aware of what is happening in the US at the moment with the seriouse flooding, will be aware that feminists and women in general are deriding the First responders (MEN) with insult's and no thasnks for the crucial work they are all carrying out to limit and rescue those caught in the desaster, you know Us usless MEN that fefails don't need are saving them and everyone else and being insulted for doing it? WTF is wrong with women and this obvious "MENTAL ILLNESS" that has got hold of them today? the so called "Strong Independent women" is a Myth and they are full of crap especially at a time when MEN, (REAL MEN) that is not cucks and simps or NON real MEN just sit and suck up to the delusions of these CUNTS with CUNTS thast are of no use to humanity and no use to themselves,l It's NOT MEN who are useless but women, without MEN society would collapse in weeks, just look at what women have become after avoiding berating and trying to destroy MEN. Are they really satisfied with themselves and the destruction they are bringing on ALL including themselves? Whilst MEN walk away and innovate a NEW and possitive life for themselves by THRIVING, the women are slowly slipping due to their ignorance, stupidity and laziness into a pit they wont be able to climb out of and I don't think that MEN (REAL MEN), will anytime soon be digging them out. there is a battleof the sexes that is one sided with only the fefail wanting to fight via delusaion against MEN who have alreadfy moved on from convention and all the BULLSHIT that goes with it, Yeh! lady's you're on you strong independent lonesom so if you are going to be like MEN then "GROW SOME BALLS", which of course we know isn't gonna happen anytime soon or EVER! lol! yo0u claim to not need MEN yet complain when we avoid you doing exactly what you sweet darlking wanted, but we've moved on way beyond you and your failed BULLSHIT, it is us that DON'T need YOU, MEN are winning not that we ever lost anything in the first place. Thank you feminism as well for outing these CUNT's evil nature toward MEN, now WE MEN know what we need to do!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 5 hours ago

Men don't need no femons, men are better off without them. They are breeders as thats what nature intended, and nothing more.
Men that half walked away are better off have more money more time and have no one to answer to no femon, Femons have done nothing but cause drama and spread lies throughout history. They are destructive and take no responsibility and are scammers.

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WMHarrison94 17 hours ago

Yep... they don't need no man: so, why we kistening to them? Again?

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JMGTOW 1 day ago

we also have women doing men job too! just look at this cunt:

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bigintol03 1 day ago

Fuck all of these cunts!

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mrghoster 1 day ago

Modern women are the fucking "SEXIST", after all isn't SEXISM one sex attacking the other unfairly? and who is attacked constantly today? Yep! MEN so in my books that makes women SEXIST, not MEN for doing the right thing namely walking away from all the CRAP, that is NOT being sexist in any way.

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