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Strong Independent Whamen - MGTOW

Published on 15 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Andrey. Here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Keep up the good work. Well Andrey thanks for the donation and since you didn't give me a topic what I want to do is discuss a Reddit post called Strong Independent Women. Usually it takes me ten or twenty minutes to find a topic on Reddit. This one I saw right at the top and the person posting it his name is Hayashi and he put up a conversation between two women named Mindy and Emma. Mindy says this and I quote: "I'm generally very much enjoying being single and living alone (never lived alone before!) but my garbage disposal is broken and I don't feel like paying a professional to fix it Or learn how to do it myself. Emma then pipes in by saying this and I quote: "I'm not suggesting you do this but back when I was single I would go on tinder dates and come back to my appartment and be like "Ugh this is broken and I don't know how to fix it and sometimes they'd fix it lol." Unquote. I won't share the full conversation image on my channel. If you want to see it then take a look at the reddit link I've put in the description. I'll discuss what I think about these strong independent women dangling the carrot of sex in front of men for our help in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Considering that almost half of all dating and relationships start on dating sites and apps like Tinder today there are many ways that so called independent women can game the system. In the
past women only had access to the men in their own social circle at school or work. Bars and night clubs were Tinder. They were the places where you might find a man to use. But having conversations in a bar with loud music while drunk is like turning yourself in a mental midget and finding someone to date in a place like that was the only option for people that didn't have many options for men or women in their real lives. The bar owners were taking advantage of desperate lonely people selling overpriced drinks to them. Tinder changed much of that game. I spoke before about the first time I heard about first time I heard about Tinder from a fat woman that looked like a T-Rex with tits wearing ironic glasses with tiny delicate hands. She told me she was connecting with guys on Tinder for free meals and she was boasting about it to me the way these two women are boasting about going on a date with a guy on Tinder and then trying to get a few hundred dollars of support to fix their dishwashers or garbage disposal units. Two to three hundred dollars is usually the rate around here for working girls. Guys going back to Emma's place were probably getting laid. So she was probably trading tricks for tech support for her computer or some other device in her house. She's a prostitute working a flesh flute for the plumbing. First he cleans her pipes in the bedroom and then he cleans her pipes in the kitchen. If that's the case then all the guys on Reddit saying this is pathetic need to stop. If the guy paid for dinner and he fixed her plumbing or computer then yeah he's been taken advantage of. But if they went dutch and he got to take her home for a good muff munch after brunch then that sounds like a good deal. Plus as I've mentioned many times before men are happiest when we are unfree. When we are being useful to others when they are just using us. Someone in the comments section insinuates that Mindy should wear a sign around her neck saying will such schlongs for sink repair. She's a whore just a covert one. I can just imagine her lying on her back as he's pumping her like a clown pumps balloon animals and as she fakes her orgasm all she can do is think about her garborator.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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slapmonkey 4 years ago

Wow. Chameleon and covert narcissist. Rare find on the link.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

I don't have the money to "bribe" you both but it'd be awesome if you went on Undead Chronic's Friday livestream.

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VulcanCannon 4 years ago

A woman wanting Men to do something for free. Surprise, Surprise, Not.

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VulcanCannon 4 years ago

Keep kicking the Females in the Ass Sandman !!

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