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Study Finds That Women Don't Like 99% of Men

Published on 05 May 2024 / In People & Blogs

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"Study Finds That Women Don't Like 99% of Men"


And exactly what am I and every other man on the planet missing out on?


Being disliked by ingrates and idiots is a bonus.

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profhugodegaris 8 months ago

that they have strong expectations of being man slavers of men, assuming that some man slave male will work for her for decades of his life. In Japan, the husbands overwork and the wives play tennis. Japan is a gender political retard nation compared to the west. I know, I lived 8 years in that country in the 90s. I had a Jap girlfriend, who eventually said "I could live with you in the U.S. if you pay for me." I exploded in rage at her, screaming at her "Go back to Japan, you fucking Jap, go bayonet some Chinese!" She was out the door and out of my life the next morning. Jap women, to western masculists, are man slaving, divorce raping, vermin, decades behind the west in terms of gender role expectations. Jap women may appear to be nurturative to men, but underneath, they are utter man slaving parasites, to be totally ignored, left rotting on the shelf until they FIP up (FIP = financially independent person, who does not expect, fluffie style, to parasite off the money and labor of a man, for decades of his life.) Masculists have a hatred of such women, aiming to exterminate them, by totally ignoring them, leaving them to rot on the shelf, not even pumping and dumping them, until they learn that they have to be FIPs, or not get a man. The core idea of masculism is that it is a REBELLION by men against being man slaves to women. Women now have a career window of half a century, so masculists are standing up and pointing the finger at women, telling them "Now that you women CAN work, you MUST work. Anything else is man slavery, and man slavery will get you killed, slowly, by being forced to rot on the shelf, dying a slow miserable death, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and spat at, for being a hated man slaving, divorce raping, forced fathering, vermin.

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