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Stupid Bitch Crashes Bike - checks phone - leaves bike on busy road

Published on 18 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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usr6874038614 10 months ago

Zigzagging between cars at excessive speed, at night. What could go wrong?
She's very lucky her stupidity did not cost her her life.

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RightSideOfHistory 11 months ago

Shit, the bitch is still alive! Fuck! She's probably gonna get on another bike and kill other people with her. Goddammit!

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Mr_Sluggo 11 months ago

2 things that don't go together, bitches and machinery.

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ArgonRaysabre 11 months ago

I mean, to be fair, Mr. Hanson, such a puny creature probably lacks the strength to move her bike out of the path of oncoming traffic. And these are the same chowderheads we allow to vote.


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I think the hit the front brake hard, turned and slid out, as there was no whack of her hitting the car, and they didn't stop either... So the idiot can't ride real well, or predict future pathways, and speeding that fast in sort of dense night traffic - is particularly risky. She also, as a stupid woman, lacks the intelligence to navigate traffic, avoid collisions, and comprehend or process the post crash issues.... Cute brainless girl, with a cunt, going way too fast on a motorbike - Pose value = nil.

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"Me, Me, Me.... It's all about me... Reeeeeeeeeeeee "

Plenty of iodine mopped all over that gravel rash.....

That will fix you...... : )

Provoiodine will make any cut feel like you have just slammed your fingers in the car door...

And all that raw flesh and exposed nerves - Ohhhhhhh that is going to sting......

Like getting hit with a sledge hammer.

Love it.

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I use this diluted to about 10% or 15% in denatured alcohol - for things like thorns in the feet. It cures all infections.... Powerful stuff. Iodine is also one of the most corrosive elements ever... so I keep the solution in a tiny little eye drops bottle, washed, wiped and sealed up in a capped plastic container. It will just eat chrome plated tools, steel, all iron work - its REALLY bad.

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