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Stupid - My shit meter just broke

Published on 23 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation

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Jesus Fuck....

You know how this Barreleye Fish - is like "Fuck..... " - lost for words - it's so incredible.

Here are some stupid people - is like "Fuck..... " - lost for words - they are so fucking stupid.

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Mr_Sluggo 4 days ago


I keep telling myself, Stupidity knows no bounds.

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It just seems to keep getting worse...............

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sbseed 5 days ago

people who do not know what propane is????
either they are insanely idle rich foreigners or they live under a rock or maybe at the outside they are aliens from space....
how just how do you not know about propane...
even if you cannot read the warning sign (color coded) on the side of the propane tank would show you want it is...
(those signs are supposed to be universal)

thanks my brain cells are now committing suicide and it is incredibly painfull....

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Leader_Desslok 5 days ago

i don't know who is worse . the man or the woman. i guess that when two retards get together they still only have a collective IQ or 70.

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I really don't know if that video is legitimate... or not.... BUT the HOSE IS HUGE, the shrader valve on the car tyre is tiny + the HOSE hooks up to a HUGE LPG pump, and it has a BIG LPG tank right behind it..... AND how old are they and they don't know how to pump up a car tyre? They are still trying to figure this out........... If it is real...... they make jumping off a cliff look like a viable option - AFTER they go first. But I actually suspect it might be real..... I ran out of my daily cope when I saw it first thing this morning...

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These people make life feel like Ground Hog Day - the movie - but instead of getting up and driving down the street to work - you have a head on with a BIG truck at the first intersection - and it's the waking up in the morning, knowing what you face when you walk out the door.... It's just like these fucking people.

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sbseed 5 days ago

even retards would be able to tell the warning signs, i mean even the cage gives it away...

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Leader_Desslok 5 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Shane , just remember how you calculate any average. then remember that half the people you see and deal with every day are below average . i hope this makes you feel better.

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@Leader_Desslok: Not really - it's worse than most crazy women videos...

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@Leader_Desslok: I might just sit here and cry - the stupid is overwhelming...... I have stopped watching the psycho women and their idiot agendas videos, and I can't deal with "the stupid" videos like this.... I am not going to watch them anymore - it's too insane.....

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