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Published on 10 Oct 2024 / In Film & Animation


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Retard Arsehole FEMINIST New Zealand De-Fents Minsta....

Judith Collins is a Dumb Fat Fucking Bitch.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "At least it sunk with pride".

The Cope is Fathomless in this one.


New Zealand's defence minister hits out at 'armchair admirals' criticising female captain of sunk ship HMNZS Manawanui

Judith Collins said a "deeply concerning, misogynistic narrative" had been directed at Commander Gray and told one of her critics, a male truck driver from Melbourne, to stick to commenting about "driving trucks rather than driving ships".

New Zealand's defence minister has hit out at "armchair admirals" who have criticised the female captain of one of the country's naval ships that sank last week.

HMNZS Manawanui, a specialist diving and ocean imaging ship, got into difficulties off the Samoan island of Upolu while surveying a reef on Saturday night, local time.

It later caught fire before capsizing.

All 75 people on board escaped on lifeboats and were rescued early on Sunday, New Zealand's Defence Force said.

Confirming she had launched an inquiry into the disaster, Judith Collins told reporters on Thursday that, while the cause of the incident was unknown, it had nothing to do with the captain's gender.

Ms Collins, who is New Zealand's first female defence minister, said she was appalled to see online comments from
"armchair admirals", calling them people who will never have to make "life or death" decisions.

She called critics of Commander Yvonne Gray, the British-born officer who was in charge of the vessel, "just vile", accusing them of "making comments about people that they do not know, about an area they do not know".

"Where's a bit of decency?," she asked, calling it a "deeply concerning, misogynistic narrative".

Ms Collins said she investigated one of Commander Gray's critics, who, she said, turned out to be a male truck driver from Melbourne who she told to "stick to commenting about driving trucks rather than driving ships".

Women in uniform were being abused in the street following the incident, she said, calling those reports "outrageous".

New Zealand has long been known for its progressive stance on gender equality with the country's female population the
first in the world to gain suffrage.

But women in authority, including former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, have often come in for much worse treatment than their male counterparts by members of the public - a topic that has been hotly debated in parliament and local media.

Around 20% of New Zealand's uniformed defence force personnel are women. In 2023 the navy said it reached a new high of more than 24%.

The loss of the Manawanui - first ship New Zealand's Navy has lost to the sea since World War Two - leaves it with just five working vessels and would cost 100m NZ dollars (£46m) to replace, reports said.

On Thursday, Samoa's Marine Pollution Advisory Committee (MPAC) said the ship was "leaking oil from three separate locations", but that there continues to be "no trace" of oil washing up onshore.

Most of the ship's fuel had burnt off during the fire onboard, MPAC said, while oil in the sea had been seen dissipating quickly.

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This ship is not the back yard boater full of pissed out of their mind fishermen, this is the ants pants - with sonar, depth sounding, GPS, underwater mapping, side scanning sea floor mapping etc., big engines, bow and stern thrusters, AND front and presumably rear anchors........ One of the Samoan guys who lives there - said there are big reefs that the waves break over, and then there are deeper reefs that only become exposed in BIG storms, and LOW king tides etc... He said there was one out there and they ran into that.... BUT when going around in shallow seas, close to exposed reefs, in a very very BIG SHIP with a significant draft (bottom is way under water) ONE ought to be very fucking mindful and ultra observant of everything else under the water..... Kind of like running a small alumium boat with an outboard, up an unknown and shallow kind of muddy river, at great speed.... """BANG!!!!"""" ----------- "Oh we hit a submerged log - there goes the motor!" = Same Same - The Dumb Fucking Bitch could not float a rubber dick up her lezzy buddies arsehole.... MORON.

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The New Zealand Navy's FEMALE captains, are proudly displaying all the "Participation Trophy Medals" - pinned to their tits. https://www.noticer.news/wp-co....ntent/uploads/2024/1

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Alpha070 2 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: These stupid Infantile Twats i n Uniform even with Medals for (in reality) all their Fuck ups and Damage they done these Gvt dares to bring them all together and praises them i bet these Females are even all on a Bunch of Medication if i had no Facts or proof that that all happend it would be hard to believe.

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@Alpha070: Capt'n Crashalot, is sort of not bad looking, The one to the left looks like a short guy, the one to her right, LOOKS like a man, and the one on the far right - she's just homely. The one with the fat head who looks like a man, reminds me of this chick, but I think this chick is a man made up to look like a chick.... BUT he is much nicer looking than "her" https://i.timeout.ru/pix/482863.jpeg

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@Alpha070: Yes Major Ice Borg is a real woman... Julie T. Wallace. https://www.fanphobia.net/prof....iles/julie-t-wallace

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The DEI hires fuck up badly:


Lesbian New Zealand Navy captain mocked as ‘DEI hire’ after crashing $100 million ship

A lesbian New Zealand Navy captain has been mocked as a “diversity hire” online after crashing her $100 million vessel into a reef in Samoa.

UK-born homosexual Yvonne Gray was at the helm of support ship the HMNZS Manawanui when it ran aground on Saturday night and sank – New Zealand’s first naval loss since World War 2 – but was immediately praised by an admiral and the female Defence Minister for “saving lives” by ordering an evacuation.

Captain Gray was also lauded in a June 2023 New Zealand Department of Defence press release celebrating her and three other female commanders, in which one gushed about a culture change in the navy due to a “focus on diversity, equity and respect for personnel”.

But some New Zealanders asked why Captain Gray, who moved to New Zealand with her “wife” in 2012, was given command of a ship ahead of local candidates, and YouTuber I, Malcontent slammed the incident and the New Zealand Defence Force’s diversity equity and inclusion (DEI) policies in a scathing video.

“Captain Yvonne Gray has become the poster child of the New Zealand Navy to show how ‘inclusive’ they are,” I Malcontent said in his video.

“The Navy boasts about the number of females they’ve been recruiting and placing into senior roles, and Yvonne, being a lesbian, gives them another ‘box’ to tick off.

“Being female and lesbian seems good enough reason to me to give her the keys to a $100 million ship.”


The YouTuber catalogued years of positive media coverage given to Captain Gray, and noted that another of the female captains praised alongside Ms Gray, Fiona Jameson, had crashed her own ship in May this year.

“Here’s a photo of them together celebrating International Women’s Day, the Boat Crashers Club,” he said.

“No need to test for any competency, let’s celebrate that the navy is now 27.4% female. Look at all those medals on their chests, I wonder what battles they fought for all those accolades or if these were just participation trophies.”

He also highlighted the blanket media coverage of the praise for Captain Gray in managing to get her 75 crew off the ship without the loss of life, and mocked the Defence Minister for calling the evacuation a “triumph”.

“Imagine putting a bunch of people in danger, then when everyone luckily survives the danger, and your nation is $100 million poorer, you get applauded as the hero in the situation,” he said.

I, Malcontent then examined the NZDF’s “LGBTTIQ+ Inclusion Plan” which he called “truly shocking”.

“[it] manipulates all staff, and particularly their senior staff into submission,” he said.

“One example being that anyone who expresses ‘homophobia’ or ‘transphobia’ should be disciplined, and managers are encouraged to show support by wearing rainbow lanyards.

“Now what do you think happens if a manager says that the lanyards are a bit silly or doesn’t want to wear one? That’s right, they get classed as a ‘homophobe’ and will be disciplined.”

But I, Malcontent was not the only critic of Captain Gray’s, with social media filling up with comments linking the sinking with the navy’s DEI policies.

“Between 2012 and 2022 – the Royal New Zealand Navy could not produce one New Zealand-born officer to command a Royal New Zealand Navy ship,” said a Kiwi social media user, while political commentator Aussie Cossack simply said: “Diversity hire detected”.

“Perhaps if the NZ Navy and its midget lesbian DEI hire Yvonne Gray (She/Her) had been less motivated by DEI/gay politics than by a desire to avoid driving $150M naval vessels into reefs, the NZ Navy would still have its specialist dive and hydrographic vessel HMNZS Manawanui,” said an X user.

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Alpha070 3 days ago

HaHa She Managed to Set it on Fire And Sink the Ship

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comment moved up ^^^^^^

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Alpha070 3 days ago

Priceless Brothers what a Time to be Alive and its not really in Full Swing the Cuntocrathy s Dumpsterfire of Western Civilization its Downfall will make the Fall of the Roman Empire blush

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Alpha070 3 days ago

A few Months back a all Female Flightcrew(very Diverse Black strong Waymen includet) They....listen they crashed a Cargo Aircraft /Airforce C10 or so they managed not only to fail to Crash no they SUNK the Aircraft into the Ocean,ALL FEMALE Flight Crew We Salut them as we Salute the Lesbian NZ Captain

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sauger1001 3 days ago

This is the West in a nutshell. Conscription is inevitable. More men being red pilled in the process. Hard times are upon us, and at this rate will only get harder.

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Leader_Desslok 3 days ago

hard times will smarten up the men and make them hard men again. this is an inevitable outcome. in sociology pendulum swings both ways.

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