Sue Black Catches Paedophiles by Looking at the Marks on Their Hands
When a paedophile or rapist films their crime, professor Sue Black can track them down using nothing more than the veins, scars and other markings on their hands.
The tech they are using now has put a lot of innocent men in prison.
Keep in mind the woman running the us justice dept used to put drug cartel in prison. They label even anime as illegal and do boched warrants. They use the label of 1 thing to gain access into a house now convincing the judge something happened. They have killed men.
Homeland security is a terrorist group here they have killed innocent men and one man for not showing up to court for a dv on his ex i think he was innocent of.
We now use programs out of china to map out people. Now they are installing surveillance all over my area they have been for a few years all ran by one company.
I read an article from the UK a few years ago of a man who robbed a bank the police didnt chase him but used cameras and followed the man all the way to his house watching him in his living room. Scary what is coming tech they have used in the military for 30 years now is coming out against the public.
A man in texas or florida i forget his attorney asked at trial what technology was being used and to show the jury of how they go about this.
IT BEING SO SECRET they had to back out of any conviction against the man. WIth a dismissal. This is how secret it all is.
Talking to someone with DHS they could make me into being part of a terror group and ruin my life with only 3 key strokes at their border patrol office.
Only the rich and those related to politicians can get away with murder. Look at the cute teachers who get off from having sex with a teenage boy slap on the hands.
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A woman can just sense these things...