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Suplex Queen Update

42 vistas
Publicado en 21 Jan 2025 / En Comedia

She has learned.
...'til she forgets...

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Drums_McBashington 2 meses hace  

Sounds like she has been working her way up to her stunning internet debut.
A slam well earned.

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She got old, infertile, the party girl became an ugly fat unfuckable drunkard, who does what all women who even the dog won't fuck do.....

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 meses hace

Chaos and drama everywhere they go...stay away guys

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mrghoster 2 meses hace

Women have become unwanted , evil CUNT's thast only take and destroy and never give anything but trouble to MEN.

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mrghoster 2 meses hace

I think this woman will eventually kill someone? I do love seeing these CUNT's being slam dunked in these times of "Equality"? lol! Most women are now past a pound where a good punch is all they deserve, but the why should a MAN put his liberty in the path of these Mentally Ill Creatures. God how I pray for a virus that will only wipe out fefails. the last I looked there were apparently 5 fefails to every Male in the West, I think a CULL is long overdue to correct the imbalance? I believe that it is NATURE that has created the Red Pill and MGTOW because only NATURTE knows the true importance of MEN and it is moving usd away from a dangerous failed dying Gynocentric world, so MAN can start again in the future. It's not called MANkind for nothing. Go and watch Dan's vid on YT at "Men need to be heard" about what would happen to the world if women woke up one morning and ALL the MEN had gone, very interesting video!

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