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Support Her & Her 10 Cats Too - MGTOW

Published on 30 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by E in New York and here's what he has to say: "Hello, Sandman: I'm interested in the cost-benefit analysis included in the MGTOW mindset. I instinctively conducted the relationship cost-benefit analysis many years ago before MGTOW was a thing and it has probably saved my life. I avoided dangerously costly relationships and now have a net worth and the wherewithal to survive the beer flu here in New York City. I live the bachelor lifestyle that I do, simply because of the math. It took me until I was in my mid-thirties to complete the equations; but I didn't have to marry or cohabitate to figure it all out. I just ran the numbers one day, and that was it: MGTOW is math. I can't figure out why more men don't seem to be able to see that. Like many if not most men, I desire women; but I've never been able to see why any man would want one on retainer. It's just too costly. Testosterone or not. Desire or no desire. Safety and legal concerns aside, money is money, and few people ever come to the aid of men who can't support themselves. Sandman, what am I missing? Why wouldn't a MGTOW lifestyle predominate, even and especially for men of means, based on the financials alone? Thanks and cheers." Well E in New York thanks for the donation and topic. Hopefully Fredo's brother doesn't tax you too much in New York State going forward? When it comes to why more or most men don't go their own way it has more to do with a cock benefit analysis instead of a cost benefit one. Men's unconscious reproductive urges overpower our intellectual ones. I know this because it's happened to me and if I didn't remain vigilant when I was dating five years ago I would have reproduced with the wrong woman. Even men that get together with women and put certain deal breakers in place tend to break them. Especially when it comes to things like pets. For example one guy I used to be friends with told me he would put his foot down when it came to pets in his relationship. Then a dog showed up. Then a cat showed up. Then another dog showed up and then I stopped talking to him because I told him about my YouTube channel and he probably thought I was a misogynist or something. Besides two dogs and a cat he probably got a rabbit and iguana too. Guys can't stick to a budget or guns when they are sticking it into a cooch. Mind you in his case his wife did make a lot of money so he technically wasn't supporting all those animals. But for most men it's like you're dating Darth Vader and the deal is getting worse all the time but you wouldn't know it because you've had a love lobotomy. I'll discuss more about why more men don't go their own way instead of getting married or into long-term relationships in just a moment. But let me first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. You mention that it took you up to your mid thirties to complete your mathematical equations when it comes to relationships being pointless. For myself and Terrence Popp we noticed that around the age of 35 a man finally gets to the point where his big head starts to take over the thinking for his little one. So that coincides perfectly with what happened to you as well. The reason more men don't figure it out is because they haven't reached the age of 35 yet and if I look at my channel demographics the majority is men from 18 to 34.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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Crazy cat ladies and their crazy animal abuse.

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wroger_wroger 4 years ago

I wonder id any of these spastic women, have ever tried to put a condom over a kitten, or even a cat... Going by the sizes of the dildos the women use these days.

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ancientsea 4 years ago

The cards were always stacked against males, but now, the whole game board is rigged. Perhaps it is just, ''easy for [me ] to say'', but, the only strategy left of value is; not to play --- at all.

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Alucard1776 4 years ago

She can fuck off

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

More like animal support then

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