Supreme Court Rules: Pay Back Your Student Loans
Published on 30 Jun 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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"PAY YA BILLS!" - Judge judy
What about people who paid for their University education with no loans. Are we Chumps for not taking loans and then defaulting on them?
Universities will all proudly and loudly ignore the supposed end to afirmative action. They would rather be sued into oblivion than allow whites and asians to be treated fairly. But they wont be sued into oblivion, the Commies have already dumped SAT, ACT and other tests and replaced them with subjective essays. With this they will majically decide that Tyrone's essay about muh dick and muh oppressions an sheet is super impressive and gets him into any University while YT is denied.
But ......
At least the lazy hippy students wont be able to default on their loans. They wont get away with that part of their Socialist utopia.