Sure these women have no souls, but they're smarter than the simps
Published on 08 Mar 2025 / In
People & Blogs
This will never stop until men grow up and stop it. Also don't forget to check out Field of Greens and get 20% off your first order with code BACHELOR at
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I had to stop watching at Bonnie Blew getting her new supercar.
I hope her first stop is at a tree branch with a noose and a suicide note.
Lilly Phillips - I hope she gets cancer of the cunt and her guts drop out on the floor...
Can the next news article be that she was drunk and shit faced on pills - driving her cheap little Japanese convertible and ran a stop sign and was killed by a FULL cement truck - that ran straight over the top of her.
They're women: They all are crazy! The question is how crazy is this one. There's a direct relationship, the hotter, the crazier dhe will be... how well does she hide it?
No. One, these old men likely have higher Testosterone levels: Two, she must be Canadian doing her part to help "healthcare." Three, they love you long time... nap, pudding, back to banging. Damn, pass the Viagra.