Sweet Little Angels
Published on 28 Apr 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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No "1" really needs to work on her chat up lines - (A lot)! lol! Mind you faced with thaat I would have to go to the Doctor with an ingrowing PENIS! I turned that nmiserable picture up side down and she actually looked happier! lol! Number 2'#s literally the one on the right is saying, "I must buy a new MIRROR". Fuck I thought it was a Guy at first, theone on the left is so unimportant I wont mention anything about her because I cant think of anything to say anyway';s not even humorously! School dinners are so bad the vomit probably tasted better? Number three is a Serial killer because when she got hungry she MURDERED a bowl of CORNFLAKES! Why is the guy in the yellow shirt wear a pair of underpants on hid face? lol! People these day's, no dress sense!
the worst women are worse than the worst men.....always.............. why we treat them like angels.......holy shit i'm gone
Septic pee sleeves amuck in clown world, protect your young these creatures commit the most heinous crimes. When the witch offers the apple, you must realize the wrapping always camouflage the putrid stench of gaseous rot. Expectations in the land of femons of righteous punishment for carnal crimes upon the young, well no red pill will cure your stupidity in that. The wails of unborn dead would cure you of any notion of the value and compassion of the gentle sex. Cheers gents, beer is flowing, just not bud.