Syria & Yemen Will Be The End Of America Because Trump Thinks He Is Pharaoh
Published on 02 Jan 2025 / In
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Amr did you hear about that hojabi caught blowing a Muslim on the subway?
I did vote for you didnt you get my Western Shitehold Vote by Proxy at 3am from a somali or curry posing as FEDEX, UPS OR DPD haha jk
Yep you are right Hindu Currycels aka Patels and Kumars are scum and will do anything to get discounts or free food or food for free yeah Fuck em let em worship Cow and their Cow shite that they Call Holy Shite.
Just Recently "A Curry" got the ownership rights to one of my Local Shopping Mall I have been going to for over 15years in the West and he said to one of the White English Business Owner who has been there since 1970 or 1980 Family Run Business that everyone loves and respects hey the shop rent rate has gone up by
$250-500 per month and your going to pay it, the white guy said Go Fuck yourself and left before Christmas 2024 and now Im hearing the Curry is trying to get permission to turn the shopping mall into another Apartment/Flat Complex/duplex even though it already has it on the upper levels and the shopping mall on ground level he wants to get rid of it all and make it all apartments or flats.
Wherever CURRYS go they Ruin everything
Yep I hope Colombian embassy accepts my asylum paperwork even though aint got no business in colombian I hope they accept my Asylum because I want to get far away from my western degenerate shitehole and get back to going to real church and GOD FEARING people.
One of AMR Last videos where it was Sunshine during Christmas time and not Cold wind and other rubbisb yeah man time to get out and live life to fullest and maybe comeback when GOD and JESUS are back on the throne as MGTOW Leaders :D until then get the Fuck out and Far away from all the Currys, Monkeys and and Losers. GOD BE WITH YALL GODSPEED \G/
AMR make sure you didnt pick up and STD OR STI since you deal with Dirty Customers and if you were out for 24hours and your urine was brown yep you were infected and dehyrated.
Get Checked out bro, the American sharmuta or Currys you serve food to infected you big time, get checked in america or Colombia and try not to shake hands with any people going forward \G/
Bad tings are going to occur in 2025 and beyond. I it’s truly the devils playground now