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TAILS REUPLOAD - Demotivational Video #blackpill

Published on 25 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

the most guys think that Tails betrayed the BP community, but these days now is very very difficulty to speak about suicide, reality cursed, its over for relationship.

the many guys take the own lifes about the speech of BP, but a BP is true reality modernity, theres no way to escape.

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Toki 3 months ago

Great stuff but the last clip had the music influence being one reason why modern women are so terrible. The obnoxious negro culture ruined them. White men bob their heads to this music and act like wiggers. It's all the reason I need to avoid going anywhere or wanting to reproduce more humans. Idiocracy Clown World. This music is one reason why so many have trashy tattoos and such. Stop promoting the awful music for better results.
Just saying their culture is shit. If there's a black man out there who's normal and intelligent I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about the ghetto thug life facade of people pretending as if they are gangsters from downtown Chicago. It's so immature. I understand if they are age 13-16 and rebelling vs their parents, but after that it's time to grow up and have some class. Just keep in mind most rappers are true P Diddys. They aren't men.

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