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Take The Brown Pill? LOL - MGTOW

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Veröffentlicht auf 27 Nov 2020 / Im Leute & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Keep saving lives. Recently I listened to your interview with Incelmatics then ended up watching everything on his channel as it was fascinating. You are correct, it is like the situation between the MRA and MGTOW community years ago. I am very close to your age and generation. Mgtow from our generation indeed had something to walk away from. The times were much different when I went my own way. 2019 was my last LTR of 8 years and I have a kid from a previous marriage before that I still see regularly. Things today are indeed very different and so much of what they say I must admit is true. It is not that I have been trying to date or use online apps, but after digesting their content older red piller's like us cannot deny our paradigm may be becoming outdated and our advice for them futile. We are like Johnny and Daniel on Cobra Kai, while the boomers are like John Kreese and Mr. Miyagi and we have our own respective dojos. Is the next generation the black pill? On a TFM show I heard the MGTOW TV creator asked him how to grow the website? It's simple, the manosphere needs to come together and work within our grey/common areas. There is so much more overlap and agreement than disagreement. Particularly compared to the "normie/mainstream" world. If PUA wants to take massive risks, so be it, let them use their red pill knowledge to the best of their ability. Even if they lose everything at least they tried. The younger Black pill crowd, things are horrible for them, what they talk about is real, you cannot deny it. Indeed it is depressing and things can feel hopeless at times for them. Mgtow, we had something to walk away from. I was born in 1980 and up to the late 2000s things were somewhat more normal. I managed to have relationships until 2019 shortly after discovering your channel in late 2017, but it's a nightmare for the younger crowd today or just in general for all generations. Is it time we rebrand MGTOW TV to Red Pill TV and unite the manosphere? Lets stop bickering about the small stuff and relatively minor differences and have a sustainable alternative platform for ourselves? You take it from here and I think a Sandman 2.0 channel like BB, Think before you sleep etc is a great idea or you could end up being a force ghost like TFM lol. That being said, this is to buy time until more YouTube alternatives exist like MGTOW TV or perhaps "Red Pill TV" or something like that and keep the space open to all walks of the manosphere community--even if we don't entirely agree on all things." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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Zuberi87 4 Jahre vor

The MRAs and FEMras are not our allies.

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masculistman 4 Jahre vor

MRA is political while MGTOW is cultural. The acronym "MRA" has been thrown around so much that the original meaning is lost. The acronym "MRA" aka "Men's Rights Activist" would imply that a Man is standing up for his and other men's Rights as well. For his Rights are their Rights and their Rights are his Rights. Not all the men who mention women's abuse in a anti-gynocentric tone are worthy of the title "Men's Rights Activist(s)".

BTW there is a problem with the "edit" feature.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 4 Jahre vor

Roma is another Tomi is another Southern and so on. More proof that many men are more talk than walk, and that the thirst is real.

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Duugus 4 Jahre vor

Don't sweat the small stuff. Each stage of pill is common to all men at different times of their life as the playing field and rules change. All that needs to change is any LAW. If a LAW changes then all of our status's change. Be agile and move with the battlefield and find the "new" right path as the front changes.

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