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Take the Vax & Drop Dead

Published on 13 Nov 2021 / In Film & Animation

Chinese CDC publicly admits covid19 virus was NEVER isolated.
Vaccine developer admits they just used the code given to them by the chinese.
WTF happened next?
Well people got jabbed and start dropping dead like flies hit with mortein.
But the rollout of vax continues.
Can you spell eugenics? or Depopulation?
How about global genocide?
Are we awake yet people?
Watch and share this for the sake of your children, cause this hasn't stopped and the little ones are next.

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The Covid Nazi's - they can just fuck right off.
Some people understand the difference between nails and decking spikes.

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The Covid Nazis - DEMAND that you WEAR your masks at all times, in the street, in the shops etc., and when entering a shop, they demand that you decontaminate your hands, scan the QR code when you enter, then SIGN IN - with your name and phone number, and BEFORE you leave, they demand PROOF that you did indeed scan in the QR code, by showing them your PHONE with the application on it and that you have scanned in at this location..... Dan Andrews - I am going to break your fucking nose.

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