Take your mask off, you c--t
Published on 13 Jul 2021 / In
Film & Animation
On the 19th July the UK has a Covid "Freedom Day" as it is laughably called! Yeh! a Freedom Day with plenty of Condition's, like you don't have to wear a Mask but the news now tells the Sheep better wear it to be safe, Antisocial distancing also remain's. This isn't an easing of restrictions? No this is a part of the Agenda because they want to see if all the fear mongering will make the SHEEPLE continue to wear a mask when they are told but Threatened they don't have to? Most of them that will continue to wear the "Mask of Sorrow" as I call it will be the women, because the programming wqorks on the emotiona and weakest? Anyway here is comedian andy Lawrences take on it! lol!
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