TAOGYOW - They welcome their slavery!
Published on 03 Dec 2020 / In
Film & Animation
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You are right about women taking all the shit from the government like food a roof and whatever, but as we see it won't ever be enough. I wonder what will happen to women when that dissatisfaction hit's home, because as we know with females the greed is unstoppable! lol!
This Gynocentric world even of government has become the collective global personality of one MENTALLY ILL PARANOID female effectively. society is falling apart like a MENTALLY ILL female brain. Instead of a creative, rational, inventive MALE Brain the word is mimicking a SICK females emotional irrational mush you find in their head's.
MEN create women destroy, and a world of snowflakes and overly sensitive moron's is not going to create but pick apart and rationale. This is Gynocentrism in politic's destroying and dismantling logic and rationale. So guy's become MGTOW and work on being MONK as well then YOU world will work as you develop and better yourself as an individual to survive, and don't go falling for a soft voice and a pair of tit's that will destroy you. god gave us big strong hands and pron vids to crack one of over! lol!
females also think they are in charge of reproduction or procreation? well bitches here's news for you, without OR Sperm you're NOTHING! lol! And MEN can still produce Sperm that works in old age when the females production system has rotted away and they are dry and fucked after 30 when the wall appears! lol!
In this current Covid thing that sadly looks like it's here to stay? I see it is the women that are buying into their self slavery more than MEN are. MALES seem to be preparing for an unstable future but women are just carrying or should that be "Karening" on as before. feminism has done it's job by ruining the female and femininity, which is exactly what it was for in the first place. BUT I don't think MGTOW was envisaged as a positive off shoot for MEN?
I'm MGTOW and Monk and I don't think I will ever require a female ever again "For anything". women have on their way up to their Girl Power BIG NOTHING have burned all their bridges back to any form of traditionalism or respect of the MALE. MALES are the builders of Society and have been stifled and put down so much by society and females we only build or develop for our own immediate needs now. so after decades of feminism destroying as it goes, it is STILL the MALE that actually RULES be it as individuals. Individuality creates progress female collectivism destroys with mind fucked brainwashing.
I don't help females now, i don't open or hold doors because they scour at you if they do. this is why a MAN invented electric doors! lol! If some bitch is broken down at the side of the road i won't stop for it, I'll drive past making sure it see's me smile and wave as I pass. If after 50 odd years of feminism they cant change a wheel out then fuck them! lol!
same thing with me
i worked for a diplomatic mission in Israel and with all their funding 70 years of diplomacy did not result in peaceful outcome.