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TAOGYOW - Your Salvation!

Published on 13 Jun 2020 / In Pets & Animals

It's on you!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

Probly the first step in things being right for American families is for our govt to stop ripping us off and lying to us.. so, they said they borrowed 3 trillion altogether after they added more to it because they needed it for the businesses.. so,, 3 trillion is 3,000 BILLIONS.. The 1200 stimulus checks only cost like 250 billions.. so we are missing 2,750 BILlLION imo.. It is a huge amount of money.. and they could have given us each another (11) 1200 dollar checks each.. I KNOW that would have gotten the economy ripping.. as most of us would be working while we collected those stimulus checks.. The states would get theirs like always.. so would the businesses.. and the unemployed would be served also./. in fact they could work too on top of that..EVERYBODY (Americans) would be very happy.. I think what happened is they wanted to rip us off for trillions.. Maybe the objective is anarchy and civil unrest.. I have seen two figures on the original 1200 checks one said 239 billions the other said 259 billions.. they didn't need to complicate it with business loans and unemployment... all they did was rip us off.. and then the working people will be paying more taxes than the millionaires who end up with it all.. it is so out of kilter. I thought Trump was going to be honest.. now I don't.. If you live in a congested area I suggest a carbine with laser and scope and high capacity mags.. lol. The way they lie to us they really could try to cause a food shortage.. This money problem was caused with the 2001 - 2007 mtg boom coupled with crazy immigration.. I have read that during the great depression,, farmers plowed crops into the dirt and people starved to death.. so they do this around every 80 years I guess.. one per lifetime.. They drag this mess out so slowly.. they help one and not the other to make sure everyone is either in debt or flat broke.. I've been paying attention for a long time.. I would not want to be white in Miami if the food disappears..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

" I would not want to be white in Miami if the food disappears." and I'm not talking about black Americans.. I am talking about all the arabs from cuba and south America they call spanish.. They will claim territory as theirs and then expand..

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TAOGYOW 5 years ago

@jimbennett: It's called Long Pig.

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TAOGYOW 5 years ago

To your point... Wow, That is why I say you have to be your own charity and wake the ones you can and discard the ones that don't listen. We all die in the end. I don't disagree at all with the carbine laser scoped item. It may just come down to that and if it had earlier, would we be in this mess?

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

@TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! : about the time automated manufacture came online they offhored our manufacturing jobs to china.. and opened the borders to poor foreign workers.. was that to keep us poor? It was aboout creating a larger slave base so the rich could be richer.. imo... America could produce everything it needs.. so what do they do? keep us poor.. so they can exploit us to their benefit..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

@TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! : You buy a house that is much more expensive than it should be,, and the mtg system has you pay back 2 - 3 tiomes what the house cost,, due to interest..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

@TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! : then they push it further and further.. it's nice to be rich and never worked for anything.. but are they sm,art enough top keep it going?

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TAOGYOW 5 years ago

@jimbennett: I think the question is if we're dumbed down enough to let them.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

@TAOGYOW - The Art of Going Your Own Way! : well when I would ask wealthy old people where money comes from and they did not know then I think it must have already worked.. banks extend credit btw.. I told a retired police chief of fort myers florida. .he was saying THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS when his school teacher wife told him.. after I told her.. that they bankrupt us on purpose.. ..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

heheh, actually I told her HOW they bankrupt us on purpose.. when he shouted out that I was wrong I was in the otherf room.. She told him., well, it sure sounds like that is how it works.. oh, it is.. they create more debt than money.. They impoverish us and have stolen our industries.. wall street is uh, the same foreign colonialist bs we freed ourselves from..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

Just like you ask some people what was england's first colony.. crickets.. it was northern ireland still part of UK to this day.. they were the protestants who ended up building an independent America..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

who created englands first colony? king james of biblical fame.. easy stuff to learn.. you know,, the truth usually makes sense too..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

It was the mediterranean arabs,, jews and spanish who all speak spanish,, who ran the slaves who run the drugs.. who bring caravans of slaves into America TODAY.. Nancy Pelosi is undoubtedly one.. so Cuba was numero uno slave trade port.. that is why haiti is right next door.. the haitians were slave stock the arabic cubans the slave traders.. who had occupied Florida also until Andrew Jackson took Florida away from them.. they screw with context talk about racism and then lie to us..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 5 years ago

ya, people think they know the truth when it has holes in it.. that is where the dumbed down comes in.. they do not question the obvious contradictions etc..

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