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Tartaria - Ancient EMF technology

Published on 03 Feb 2022 / In People & Blogs

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KEEPER 3 years ago

man all this time while watching this, all i keep thinking about is the plot to assassins creed or my favorite tv series Stargate as they also open the idea to the same theory, they both have their own take on it.

but yeah, it's nice to remember this stuff while listening and watching these videos. some of my best fanfiction is created off of this stuff lol. but i also like to stick as close to the lore as possible.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

i think when he's talking about the possible existence of Atlantis existing 2,000 years ago isn't accurate to the evidence, as it doesn't match the flood Mapp's story or the history of that region or the regions within Atlantis's supposed empire, i believe it's existence dates back as early as 10,000 years ago as this makes much more sense with everything, but i want to say this for all cultures as an idea of time being under represented, there was a dark age and we have no real understanding in how long that lasted, we have theories, but we don't really know as much of it wasn't documented.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

It may have been. But as so many other things, was erased and forgotten. The video I showed you is a good example, impossible to know what happened there, deliberately destroyed and left abandoned.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: good points.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

a theory that i have that is based on this information was that it wasn't all decided to abandon science logic and reason, i believe instead it was because of the flood that people lost their own history and had to pick up the pieces of this history through myth and legends, because everyone that existed in these cities except for maybe a few younger survivors of the flood or people that weren't apart of this empire of advancement came to their own theories of what took place, but they also started to believe in things like monsters and spirits and gods and stuff like this.

and i have an example of this behavior through some history on the topic.

during the mid 19 century there was a group of American cartographers who decided to fly over a landscape to get a better idea of the land below, they flew over a village of indigoes people who were isolated in their section of the world, their plane came back a month later to check if they got everything right in their findings, then while they did their fly over they found the indigoes people that they saw the last time they were there build a wooden constructed replica of their plane and they found that the indigoes people were worshiping the plane.

this is a perfect example of what people do who know nothing about anything and in fact start their own rituals and religions based off of something they couldn't explain, and this is what i believe happened and the reason why so many point to religion and ended up being anti science, it wasn't that they were anti science just because they hate that narrative, no, i believe it's simply because they started to believe in their own ideas as the truth and rejected anything else that suggested otherwise out of protecting that belief from being tainted without realizing that their ancestor's created that belief in the first place.

however not everything in religion is made up, i believe that some of the information is correct when they describe locations, cultures, traditions of people during the time these stories were written, and it's possible they came across advanced tech that provided them with visions of gods and demons and myths which helped mold their belief system around these concepts.

lets use an example of Assassins Creed 2 story, in the game you play in the minds of our ancestors, and when they come across the first civ tech, the people often felt in the beginning of this series that these devices and the beings that these were created by were gods, but as it has been made abundantly clear through one of these beings, that they simply came before our people and they were a very advanced people, but something catastrophic took place and wiped them all out, which was basically a "great reset" so to speak, and they left behind their tech to help prevent another catastrophe from happening to mankind, as we are their second evolution in which they have been using us as tools to guide us and also develop us enough to prevent that possible ending of our civilization.

as much as i love the assassins creed story, i don't believe that this Tartarian tech has the same level of advancement of the story in the AC games, but we have seen some examples of various tech from an age long since passed that exist that have been carbonated to exist long before we supposedly started creating our own tech after the earth was flooded.

so going back to the theory that tech like this could exist within some religions of the world, it's possible that it's been used to guide humanity into a direction that won't lead to our own destruction, or has been used to keep humanity to slow down our progression of advancement so our destruction won't take place, and it's possible that it's being withheld until we reach a point of advancement until we are ready to make that leap, some would say we are there right now, except things are falling apart due to the elites who are on the verge of losing control over the people which is why they are trying to reset everything by at all costs.

or i just made up a conspiracy theory and i'm just crazy to even suggest an idea lol.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

No, you not crazy. We just don't know, aobwe speculate. I don't believe we are evolving. If anything we are going back. People are getting stupid as time goes by. Electronics was not a good invention. I love electronics and was one of my field of studies, and being something I love, I could never understand why companies would complicate simple things with highly complex electronics. For example, the horn on cars. Why does the ecu needs to control the horn? Why does a fridge needs to have an electronic board?

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: i guess that's something to ask the manufacture lol, i do believe that some things are done simply because that's either the way they were first created or that they serve another purpose outside of out knowledge, perhaps a fail safe of some kind? i also don't know if your talking about our most modern refrigerators or refrigerators of the past, but your right some of these things don't make sense, like i thought it was a odd concept to control the heating and air conditioning in your house through wifi when for decades we used a very simple method of climate control using a thermometer and a program that follows the threshold principles of when it's time to call the heat or air conditioning. like i get that someone would want to monitor through wifi, but to control it through wifi seems very unnecessary.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

aha, he does cover it, sort of. 10 minutes in this video, he touches on it.

this is what i was talking about in the conversation that involved Africa in the past at one point of the cotenant's history i believe it was 10,000 years according to the flood maps, it was a very lush landscape including Egypt and the Sahara desert was at one point a great and lush green Forrest like land with lots of rivers and lakes scattered within the landscape with all kinds of animals as Herodotus explained in his writings about Atlantis and the landscape that it used to be.

this information can in fact be verified using mapping software of the earth when you use it to date back the global map far enough in time, just as all cotenants used to be as one when it was known as Pangea.

so when the main stream talk about how the Egyptians possibly constructed the pyramids, i don't believe their version of the theory as it was done only by slaves who pushed the giant block stones across the desert, no, it makes much more sense that they did it via boat as the area was plentiful of rich waters and lush green land just as the lower parts of Africa are today.

i mean maybe it's possible that the pyramid was built with tech that rivals our own when they were constructed, i'm open to the idea as this was one hell of a task to do building these pyramids and also to their unique construction and all the myths and legends for all our lives about these places are starting to sound like superstitious nonsense as time moves forward, i believe these stories were created to spin the narrative to keep people away from the truth.

it took many decades for people to any research on the pyramids as the authorities always pushed people out and away from learning anything about these structures, it's possible the main stream were trying to learn, but because they were constantly being barred from investigating these landmarks by the authorities, they speculated about the history and the story and ideas of how they were constructed and that speculation eventually became the truth as the next generation is often the most naive and takes things for granted and accepts false beliefs as truth, and every generation has people like this including the kids of today, the dude narrating in this video as an example, but i'm not saying he's wrong in every circumstance or idea he comes up with.

anyway, i have derailed this comment, moving on.

so it was a little more recent that we explored the speculation theory that the pyramids are powerhouses of some kind as someone took the information of it's construction and it's materials that it was built with, along with the mapped inside of the pyramids through research that was obtained illegally according to the authorities that were always preventing anyone in doing research in the first place, and they all have this odd construction that resembles a battery, so the idea of a powerhouse isn't that far off, i would personally like to see someone replicate something like this possibly on a smaller scale to prove that this is what they were meant for, instead of all the myths and legends that have surrounded the idea behind the pyramids.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

Is the concept of Geopolimer familiar to you? Slavery is not something these societies would have used. "Cheap" labour does not achieve that high degree of accuracy. Just look at today's construction workers, who are not slaves, and see how sloppy they are. In the old world they were masters of their craft. Yes, that region of the world is very different from what it once was, Europe was once what Greenland is today...

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: look, you got a point to make, but you also can't assume a definitive answer by only pointing to a few details, yes i know about the accuracy of the theory, especially when they were talking about the stones, it's possible that they were created by some advanced tech of a long lost time, but possibly also slaves as well. i will admit that based on the time period that these could have been constructed by an advanced people is possible. but there is something else to consider here, in the past they had a lot more time to build these structures, in historical documents it is said that the pyramids that have been built often took 80 plus years to complete, which also means they had plenty of time to make things damn near perfect if they went to that effort like sculptures that have been highly detailed to look a certain way. so given enough time on any product can become something damn near perfect., but yet again that's if they went to that effort, the men who build in construction now don't care about accuracy so much as they pull off just enough accuracy to please their employer and for the inspector and our buildings aren't entirely made from stone either, i used to work with a crew building houses and yes sometimes sloppy building happens, especially if the equipment your using is broken or old and no longer gets the job done as well as it used to when it was new, and your employer is either too lazy to get a new tool or is too cheap so the men can do what they can get away with the best they can. with slave labor, if a slave didn't do something right, he would be whipped to death in some circumstances and i'm sure the slavers killed many slaves during the construction, again through the 80 plus years of just one pyramids construction. anyway i would love to believe with a definitive absolute knowledge that these were built with tech that was far more advanced than ours as i love the idea and want it to be true, there's just no historical definitive documents or evidence that exists outside of personal inspection and speculation on our findings.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I don't have a point to make. If anyone can prove I'm wrong, I'll be extremely happy.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: i'm not trying to prove you wrong, i'm open to the idea, i just haven't personally come across any evidence that proves otherwise, it's kind of like the concept of god, i can say i don't believe in god, but do i have any proof he doesn't exist, the answer is no i do not, but i'm open to the idea, i just haven't run into any personal information or evidence that suggests otherwise for me to believe. i also like looking at things from both perspectives as i believe it expands my horizons and keeps my theories grounded in some reality when i present them.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: We cannot take anything for granted. I don't believe in God either, but I have the divine door open. If we don't discuss ideas and findings, we cannot learn. Dogma belongs to religions. And attention, I separate divine and religious beliefs, or religion itself. I don't consider it to be the same.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: hey, that's absolutely fine with me. i'm kind of the same in this area. it's also possible that i haven't learned what you have learned and my findings are outdated and i just need more information and time to learn these things. and i am a bit younger than you and may not have all of these ideas as a clear of a picture as you do. i like chatting with you on these topics though, it's been a long while since i have chatted with anyone on this topic as it seems most people don't really think very deep on topics like this or don't want to engage outside of a few words.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

I find the way that these are presented very relaxing!...Good stuff!

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