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Tartaria - Phoenician Architects

Published on 01 Feb 2022 / In People & Blogs

How deep goes the deception?

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KEEPER 3 years ago

so i ran into a video just like this on youtube that talked about these fire place heat boxes, and i couldn't believe my eyes with what the dude was talking about because i had no knowledge of these, i then showed the video to my dad to see what he thought of these devices, he responded to me that he actually worked on these devices when he did his heating and air conditioning profession and he said they aren't this mystical object that the guy in the video was trying to convey.

he explained that they were a very simple device that heated wood at high temps and it was because of it's construction of how effective it was, i asked him about the symbol on the device because in the video i saw showed the radiation symbol that we commonly see when it comes to Nuclear power and Nuclear waste where they put that symbol on things, the dude in the video was trying to explain these were powered by Nuclear energy or something, but my dad had to explain to me that symbol only meant that it radiates heat because of how it's constructed.

it really wasn't anything special, it just looked special because we grew up in a very different generation where things changed, eventually people upgraded or they improved how fire places worked where these things were no longer needed.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

See, you are now teaching me.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: however i couldn't tell you about these ancient tech that was brought up in this video of thousands of years ago, however i could speculate myself that it's entirely possible we have gone through more of these resets as i believe there could be a grain of truth in the scriptures as some science has explained this stuff to be true, there was indeed a great flood at some point within history and science has proven this, but i believe there is much more to discover. and it's amazing on what we find as we advance, the problem is this discovery is being put down because of some plandemic is taking all of our attention and corrupt politicians and powerful people are trying to subvert our attentions to shit that shouldn't be going on, but now we are coming to understand how fucked we are because we allowed them to get away with it.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: have you seen a video I uploaded from a bloke called Paul Cook? If not, check it. Take some time to browse his pootube channel which I linked in the description. He has some excellent videos and he is not full of shit. He does have some flaws obviously, and are easy to spot, but also presents things in a simple to swallow manner. There's a video where he shows something he doesn't understand and he says it, coincidentally it's my field of expertise, and he is spot on on his findings. I highly recommend you visit his channel.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: well lets hope it isn't the same guy i was recommended last time someone got me into this kind of content lol. but i will check him out, maybe i will learn something new or not lol.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: what happened that time?

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KEEPER 3 years ago

we already know that tesla was shut down because he was trying to make free energy, but because it wasn't profitable to do so, his competition wanted to destroy him and they did by manipulating his work to make sure that it didn't work.

but these stories are well documented and known. of course for the past 50 years it was suppressed history because of his competition not wanting anyone to know about it.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

Tesla is in great part also a myth. A romantic idea. It's absolutely true that something can't be exploited and profitable, someone will have an accident... diesel engines running on used vegetable oil. Why is it strictly forbidden and heavily punished? Why aren't you allowed to have your own water mill if you have a water stream on your property? Why are solar panels so heavily regulated? And the list goes on and on...

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: your 100% right on this, however people who live off the grid get away with such things all the time, i think for the government's sake they don't like that people could have this power over the economy, because there are a shit load inventions that produce free energy that most people could take advantage of if they wanted to, but in most cases people don't because lazyness or they live somewhere where it's illegal, but it's funny because at the same time governments are always trying to push everyone on the idea of using less and using solar or wind power all the time, i think they want some these things because some of these things don't work very well and keep the economy going, however i also think they are doing this just so they can build their infrastructure, so when they are ready for their great reset, all these things will exist for the people who will survive the reset which is why they were trying to accumulate as much money as possible for the passed decade straight, their move is obvious to those who are paying attention, the people who aren't paying attention listen to their main stream media or propagandists so when the time comes, they won't have a prayer's chance in surviving, they truly are useful idiots, i mean the ones following what the media are producing. all these people getting their experiential vaccine dying right and left while the media says it's the unvaxxed who are dying and spreading it to everyone, these variants are clearly coming from the vaxed morons if anything as it would make the most sense. the disease itself wasn't as deadly as the media portrayed it to be and they more than likely took advantage of the common flu to boost the numbers as well as any death was being called covid simply because it was within their system.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: this actually kind of reminds me of an invention that ben franklin created, so that people didn't need to die in greater numbers, he created blue prints that anyone could take and use to build one of his inventions for free, but the people had to put their money together for the parts and build the device themselves, franklin allowed this for a single purpose, and it was to save lives. the device was a oven for cooking and baking because before this the women who were cooking the food were doing this with fire and women back then wear dresses that caught fire easily which caused a lot of unnecessary death. so anyway, there are a lot of tech out there that people can create and build themselves with patens that anyone can use, all they have to do is purchase the parts and put it together. and maybe disguise this thing in your yard so the authorities don't try to shut you down or something you got to make it less obvious i guess.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: curious you say that. I've been doing work on my yard. I needed a gate. I decided I wanted something rustic. The prices are just ridiculous. Ok, I got two pallets for free, took them apart, repurposed the boards, even used the nails, and built my own gate with the looks I wanted. Only spent 7€ on hinges and screws. The lock, same thing, repurposed some old steel parts I had laying around. The problem today is people are not comfortable thinking and building whatever they need with whatever they have available to them. It's just easier to buy.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: and this is the precise answer to all of our problems. i mean i think for some projects, some inventions can be a bit too technical for folks to understand which is why they shy away from building these things. but there are some very simple things that people can build without it being too complicated. the weird thing is it reminds me of something i was told, back in the day i wanted to learn how to change my oil, well i asked someone to teach me how to do it, and they responded as, why would you want to do that when you can get it done faster and cheaper having a professional do it for you. well now times are a changing and inflation will drive people to do more shit on their own, so now it's become somewhat of a survival to learn these things as much as possible to avoid the bad deal at the oil change place or with anything else, we have been hearing about food shortages for a while now, most people who are smart will prepare with purchasing enough food for emergencies, but there will be a lot more morons who won't likely do anything because right now they don't have to worry about it, until they do and it's already too late to take action because the stores are empty and now they must go out and steal from those who have things and kill if they have to. we are heading there right now, some people might be smart enough to grow a garden, but many will just steal from your garden, soon enough we will have to live like our ancestors in the freaking stone ages because of this nonsense fucking everything up.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I don't remember ever paying for an oil change, except the very first one on my first motorcycle, and to keep the warrantie. Now, I even open the engine. I don't trust mechanics. People will die and kill for food soon.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: now i got to ask, how old are you? i'm assuming your older than me based on some of this stuff we have been talking about.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: early forties.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: ok cool, that makes sense. i'm 36 btw. and i'm glad your uploading content like this, sure i have my doubts on some things, but i still find it interesting to watch, don't get me wrong mgtow content is good, but i've been mgtow for a while, there isn't really a whole lot i don't already know about or understand that i have to listen to. but i'm glad we have the variety of other things, and i know these types of videos aren't as popular i have uploaded a few of them myself so i know how this goes. i uploaded a series of a dude on youtube who was trying to prove the eye of the sahara could very well be the lost city of Atlantis and he brought up a lot of proof, but he still tried to remain skeptical even with his own views. but it was a 4 part series i mirrored on this website.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I stopped doing my own videos because I would spend days on a video, to have 5 views. A clip with too puffs pumping each other getting caught in the act... over 100 views in a couple days. What's the point? I just share things I find interesting, some at the request of the creators, others because pootube won't allow it there. And although I'm sharing it, doesn't mean I agree with everything, mostly it means it made my think about it.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I haven't seen this specific video, but I know the theory. I'll check it later though. There are many theories/conspiracies regarding that area of the world.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: i haven't seen all the theories in that area, but this one really puts the evidence together and makes a lot more sense than the ones that say Atlantis was an island in the sea, i think it eventually went into the sea but i don't believe it was always there to begin with. i mean there are more cities that have been swept under the sea even pyramids are found on the bottom of the ocean. and the realistic understanding is that a massive flood brought them down there.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: eggy noggy wants me to do mgtow videos, and i just don't really see myself doing that, i don't care about subscribers or what they might be into, just like you i would rather post stuff that's important or sometimes i put stuff i want, it just matters what i want, i think he wants me to do content because i like to get into long conversations about stuff but i might be able to do that, but it would have to be scripted, but i'm too lazy for that lol, i would rather talk about random things i find interesting, but nobody cares about stuff that isn't mgtow oriented so why do it at all is what i ask myself.. i used to chat with folks on discord, but i eventually got annoyed by discord, most people don't engage in the live voice chat and would rather stick with the text chat, and that

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I don't know what to make of that. As I said earlier, I'm ignorant as fuck. How can an entire city sink to the bottom of the ocean? How am I suppose to know? Anything beyond hammering shit is foreign to me.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

damn keyboard lol, sometimes my keyboard hits enter for me.... forget it, the moment is lost lol.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: eggy noggy... He lost me recently. Yeap, I hate writing, doesn't look like, but I do, I would rather talk, but not possible here, and as you say, not many people are willing to spend time on something that is not what the site name suggest. In the real world, I use video chat much more than i use voice calls, and text is only to send something quick and not relevant. Things like we are talking now, very rarely happens in the real world. Happens now and then with a neighbour I have, an older lady. (Sacrilege, do you have deep conversations with WHAMEN!) :-D

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: in that video the dude explains that a massive flood took place, so now imagine a massive wave hit Egypt the entire Sahara before it was a desert wasteland and everything that was within that part of the world was swept into the sea, that's a plausible answer i would think, especially when he brought up the flood maps of this location during this time frame using the earths model and some predictive software that helped project what happened. i mean the bible only refers to it as a flood, but i believe it was more like a hurricane from hell, one that we have never seen in our lifetimes and may never see again for all we know.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I don't know. But the question is, where did the water came from? An entire continent washed away? Want to know a thing that depresses me? Not being able to understand something. Not so much the not knowing, the not understanding. My way to deal with it, walking away before I go crazy. Quantum physics, FFS don't

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: i used to chat with folks all the time back when i did security, as there were many times within the day where i was just by myself, lol i even chat with a homeless dude once, my training was to get rid of him, but i was willing to have a conversation with him because i knew i was the only one there so it's not like my supervisor knew anything about it lol, but yeah i would have long conversations with folks all the time, most of the time we would talk about deep philosophy on shit in the world or maybe even a topic that was messed up, funny enough my supervisor liked this about me and he told me some interesting shit that i had no idea about in the world. some of our conversations would end up in some morbid stuff in other countries.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

ok, i think this kid doesn't really give enough credit to people back then. like he's really digging hard on common known things and pretending what he's saying is the truth to a very laughable degree.

but i have enjoyed listening to this, it's always interesting listening to these even if some of it i disagree with.

however i have my own crazy beliefs as well, so i guess i should talk lol.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

This is no different from anything else. Somewhere buried in all the fancy words, there's a smear of truth. It's up to you to figure out which part of it is fantasy. Information like this is what drove me to do my own research on "historical places", and it's amazing how one suddenly can see things so obvious that were completely invisible before.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: i understand this completely, but if it's speculation he really shouldn't pretend that it's the truth, you know what i mean?

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: absolutely. Just keep in mind the "my truth" generation. I'm severely inclined to believe anything I'm told is a lie.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I've always believed a castle is a fortification used as a defence. Right? But, was it? How? Without any source of food nor water, how long would the people last "defending" themselves? See where I'm going?

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: i actually don't see where your going on this, please explain more.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: there's a castle I know very well. At the top of a hill, one single entrance, also narrow and not easily accessible for beasts, no way there was food being grown there, plants don't grow on rock, no water supply. Not that many people would be able to live there. Anyone attacking that castle, all was needed was patience. In less than a month everyone would be dead or dying without sustenance. The land by the river is very good, so good it's not allowed to build there, but inside the castle there are only rocks, it was built on rock. The people who built it were not stupid, they knew it would be their death. So no way that castle was a defence building. No supplies, no escape route, not a defence structure.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: do you have a name for this structure and where it is? you got me curious now.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I'm thinking going there, was to go there on Sunday. I may take my go poor and make a video. There's also other structures not far away I may investigate further.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: oh, I just realised I had already told you about this place. My memory is shyte.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: well now i'm confused lol. tell me again because i don't remember lol.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: ahh... if I do a video on the place, I'll send you the link. I'm horrible getting good videos, who knows what's going to happen. Practice man, practice more.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: so your going to do some urban exploring eh? do you do the ghost hunting stuff as well?

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: :-D no. I'm not a supernatural, ufo, divine beings believer. There are events u can't explain, and I do believe some people stay with you after they leave this world. But no, haunting is not my thing. As you probably know, most those reports have origin in drugs and other intoxication events, even if people don't realise they're intoxicated. Extreme cold, dehydration, fungus in food, pollen in the air... I had one hallucination episode, just once due to high fever. It was horrible. Not in the moment, but after realizing what had happened. Can't understand how people take pleasure on hallucinogenic substances.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: i think the differences with drugs is that the drug keeps you from feeling the pain while you Experience the hallucinations.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I can't comment, I don't do drugs. Alcohol is the only mind altering substance I consume, and in very controlled quantities. Diazepam is a fucked up substance. One needs to be very careful, it's effects are very appealing, also very devastating long term.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: partially due to my upbringing as a mormon, i don't do drugs either, i have drank alcohol, but i don't like how it effects me, and wine just makes me have heartburn like hell. i do drink coffee even though so i guess i'm unwise in some things lol. in general Mormons don't drink alcohol or do drugs or drink coffee, but i do drink coffee. it's not that i can't drink it, it's that it's wise not to drink it just as it's wise not to drink alcohol or do drugs. but i don't even go to church and haven't been active for roughly a decade so meh...

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I drink for the pleasure of drinking, as I drink tea. Because I enjoy the moment. Not even a social thing. Last time I overdone it, was on my own, and left the house with my dog to sit outside on a bench. Just the two of us enjoying the night sky. And it wasn't intentional. I was enjoying it...

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: tea is good, i don't like black tea, but i don't mind herbal teas or chamomile. but i'm also not big on drinking tea in general, but it's nice when you don't have anything else to drink.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: 4h sleep. What a shitty night I had. Time for a new upload hope you enjoy it too. Another myth that may not be a myth at all, giants.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: sure, I also have shit sleep patterns, for example, I just woke up from a 2-hour nap, it is now 4 a.m. where I am. I'm trying to see if I can go back to sleep.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: Is was past 4am when I last reply to you earlier. F it. Time to get geard up, warm the engine and go for a ride. Maybe do that video about castles and shit. My ass not gonna like it, long ride and I'm taking the "Not so comfortable" bike.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

it's just first civ tech, we are second lol, and the Liahona is just a piece of Eden.
assassins creed is real.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

all jokes aside, this object is claimed to be real. i grew up in the church, and to me they are just stories that i can't verify.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@KEEPER: One thing I've been discovering these last couple months is... I'm ignorant as fuck.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: i can be to sometimes lol. there are commonly known things that i know nothing about because i don't do these things so why would i useless information into my head if i didn't need it lol. also there is only so much time in a day to learn shit so nobody knows everything about everything, it's simply impossible. unless we had tech where we could upload the information into our heads that i don't know about lol

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