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Tartaria - The Irish Connection

Published on 31 Jan 2022 / In Other

What else was hidden from us?

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KEEPER 3 years ago

well, the video was working, now it's being kind of stupid.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

Seems fine now.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

it's been estimated that Egypt wasn't always a desert wasteland and that it at one point used to be a very lush tropical environment, but as Herodotus said, one night of misfortune took place and the advancement of the pyramids is only scratching the surface of what was within this part of the world, but because the flood erased everything that used to occupy this part of the world, the people who survived which were few had to pick up the pieces as much of the history was wiped away by the flood.

i was watching a video talking about the possible location of Atlantis wasn't within the sea, but it ended up in the sea due to this massive flood one that we have never seen before, the estimated location of Atlantis in this video was believed to be as "the eye of the Sahara" which can be seen from space and if you read how Herodotus explained Atlantis with this location in mind, it checks all points within his story about this landmass.

there are entire cities under the ocean and pyramids deep under the ocean which goes along with the idea of a massive flood taking place on this scale destroying almost an entire continent as well as other parts of the world.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

Have you heard the "conspiracy" about why TPTB are sending everyone from northern African and their cousins to Europe? There are much, much history that has been hidden and destroyed. What we are taught in schools are nothing but tales from someone's imagination. Give an example: I lived my early years 100 to 150m from a castle. I was taught it was a fortification to defend from the Arab invasions. Not true, when the land was conquered, the castle was already there, and no one knows anything about it's construction. Another lie was the "fortification to defend against attacks". How is it a fortification? On top of a hill, couldn't house more than just over 50 people without being too crowded, no access to water, and no place to grow vegetables. An aggressor only had to wait two or three weeks before everyone starve. No need to attack, just wait. People were not that stupid to build a prison for themselves.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

oh is this what i think it is?

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KEEPER 3 years ago

ok, so 'it's not what i thought it was, but it's still interesting. i was thinking it might be the story of tarid.

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