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Tattooed Girl Gets Cancelled For Holding Women Accountable

Published on 28 Apr 2022 / In Entertainment
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ArgonRaysabre 2 years ago

This woman speaks only about material objects that a man can buy for her, but men provide more than simple "items" to women.

Sorry, but I have yet to find any woman who can ptotect me from danger in the same manner I could protect her. Hell, WOMAN WHO AREN'T IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN still benefit from their labor and protection in the aggregate. Additionally, NO WOMAN is held to the standard of responsibility and accountability that a man is, so all of her rhetoric is bullshit lip service.

Ladies, men don't give a shit about what you can buy for them, because they can get it on their own. Stop projecting what you want from men onto men.

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Essentially the women who are, "Give me, Give me, Give Me" and they won't do a thing for the man - that is like having a live in prostitute who won't fuck and who hates you.... and they demanding payment for no services rendered, every way, every day.....

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Wow.... Women who are not selfish and entitled... How unique.

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AwfulDIGGER 2 years ago

Equality. At least ahe's true to that value. At least in words.

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Drums_McBashington 2 years ago

Goods and services. That is all men are to these things.

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