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Telegram CEO imprisoned for speech, US Navy in deep sh-t, Andrew Tate arrested again and more!

Published on 26 Aug 2024 / In News & Politics

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

The normal ship deployments alter between heavy shipyard and light shipyard usually there's 18 months post deployment; I am not sure about carriers: I heard them being out at sea for a year at a time, but for the support vessels-- destroyers, cruiser, frigates, etc was light five to six months deployed and the post deployment cycle begins. After however long you're in the shipyard, there are abut four to six months of sea trials and certifications and then perhaps small exerciess and assists to Coast Guard ans DEA with drug ops ans then... prepare for deployment. The six off and six on is a huge deal.

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ArgonRaysabre 6 months ago

Don't forget about Sloth Fever. Smh. This shit is getting ridiculous...

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NeoGeoGamer 6 months ago

Andrew Tate is a scumbag. You can say it, we can say it, but normies who never say a thing when a woman is a scumbag, they can't say it. As bad as he is, he's still better than them.

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Admiral Fag in his dress, needs to be keel hauled, under the length of the biggest and longest ship...

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ArgonRaysabre 6 months ago

NOW can I use those Mk 2 Pineapple frags? Lol, how goes it, big bro? I've subscribed to your channel. I like the diversity of your uploads; they're not all just MGTOW/red pill vids. Needless to say, I've been learning a lot. Keep up the good work, champion. Laters.

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@ArgonRaysabre: Yeah.... I like to see a mix of good and useful things... Getting an education about yourself, and women, is as important as a whole life, doing useful and interesting things.

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@ArgonRaysabre: There is a stagering amount of UNIVERSE and things going on in it... and there are astronomical amounts of really clever people doing really clever things... Like the chimps and their dead baby - just like us. And the baboons capturing wild do puppies and having them "join the family" as a hunting and protection member of the family....

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ArgonRaysabre 6 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yeah, that's some wild shit. It's a shame that entirely different species get along better than us, at times...smh.

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@ArgonRaysabre: Have you seen this? If you have seen it once, then it makes a good night time audio book... The History of the Universe

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@ArgonRaysabre: It's sort of brain cell popping levels - of an infinitely small bit of reality, in an infinitely large universe...

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@ArgonRaysabre: This is a set of 8 videos - all the links are down in the pinned comment - It's easy to understand and hard to think about. Video 01 out of 08 - Khan Academy - Astronomy - Scale of earth and sun

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ArgonRaysabre 6 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Just added it to my bookmarks. Cheers.

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@ArgonRaysabre: The information goes in real smooth like - and it's kind of simple - easy to understand. But the next time you stare up at the night sky, all you can say, is "Fuck - I understand. My brain hurts!" - The scales of time, distance and amounts - the numbers... it's ALL so fucking huge - This is what you can't deal with..... There is just too fucking much...... But it's inside your head.... Ooooooooooooo

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ArgonRaysabre 6 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Lol, I'll do my best to keep my head from exploding.

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@ArgonRaysabre: Infinity is a big place.

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@ArgonRaysabre: "The Universe" documetary and the "size of" video set, it kind of sets in an idea, that unless VAST chasms of space can be crossed, very quickly, space travel is more or less great sci-fi and almost pointless - but REALLY great telescopes - especially special stuff in space - is a pretty great way of having a look around...

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ArgonRaysabre 6 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Ah. So you're saying there's plenty of room for my skull fragments and brain bits upon detonation? That's strangely comforting.

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@ArgonRaysabre: Perhaps.... But with your bloody great boof head, maybe not. One of these has the full video on the hubble deep field view..... AND then the James Webb telescope - Pfffffff There are some videos in here... ---------- I find this to be too overwhelmingly incredible....

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I find it hard to cope - EVERYTHING to do with the project is really fucking amazing, the results in incredible, and seeing a tiny little bit of how fantastic the universe really is..... WOW.....

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