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Ten Commandments Of MGTOW

Published on 27 Mar 2020 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Pilz and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Pilz, that's what my friends from high school used to call me. Anyway, I've been listening to your channel all the way from Barbados and I really love your content. I must say that your jokes have me dying of laughter while I am listening to your channel through Bluetooth Speakers while doing house chores. I would like to request a topic for your channel on something that I have been working on, it's called the TEN COMMANDMENTS OF MGTOW. I have been thinking about about writing on my own MGTOW book similar to the bible entitled "THE HOLY BOOK OF THE RED PILL" for all of my MGTOW brothers out there. Tell me what do you think Do you think it would be a good idea? Let me know your thoughts after you've read through The Ten Commandments of MGTOW on your channel. Please notify me when the video is out because I am really eager to hear what you
have to say. So here are the TEN COMMANDMENTS OF MGTOW. 1. Thou shalt go thy own way and live thy life as thou seest fit, without conforming to societal opinions or expectations. 2. Thou shalt empower thyself with knowledge, wealth and resources and also embrace thy masculinity. 3. Thou shalt not pursue any women but chase after thy goals, aspirations, inner peace and purpose in life. 4. Thou shalt not seek female validation but self-actualization. 5. Thou shalt not become a mangina nor a simp by having thy mind controlled by the golden vagina. 6. Thou shalt not become an utility without mutual benefit. If there is no compensation of equal value, then liberate thyself from that unequal partnership/friendship. 7. Thou shalt not marry nor cohabitate. Unless thou art prepared to feel the seething wrath of court system by losing thy house, most of thy wealth, access to thy children or paying monthly alimony. 8. Thou shalt not waste thy energy white-knighting but rather preserve that energy to educate other men about MGTOW. 9. Thou shalt take thy daily dose of red pills and expand thy knowledge of female nature. 10. Thou shalt strengthen thy mind to overcome shaming language, manipulation and societal pressure into unwanted and non-beneficial relationships. Thanks again. Bless up my MGTOW brother. Well Pilz, thanks for the donation and for one of the more interesting topics I've had in quite some time. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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LongRedRoad 5 years ago

6:00 not true, married men can and do listen, learn and act. all are not deaf .
The red pill truth is the truth and of course the sooner you find it the better.
Inside of marriage you can learn red pills, see the shit tests and female manipulation in a clearer light and be better prepared deal with them as you plan your escape....

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KEEPER 5 years ago

well to be honest with you sandman. mgtow is being purged everywhere, mostly the small channels. unless your really offensive and hit the threshold that makes these other media websites ban ppl.

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Seethemturn 5 years ago

1.Do whatever you want 2.cheat the system 3.hating women is healthy 4.get thai girls pregnant 5.boycott china 6. Make money 7. Prep 8. Learn to fight 9. By sex doll 10. Drink beer

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KEEPER 5 years ago

we don't call it going your own way for nothing. i got a question unrelated to this video. why do you have a price for all your videos? you know ppl can't view the video if they have to purchase it right? and most ppl are not going to pay what you are asking either lol not only that but doing the same over and over while expecting a different result. usually holds the same results.

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One_Ronin 5 years ago

Odin hates a coward, encourage that dude to go forth and share the knowledge...Dam the Torpedoes!

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