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Terminator Waifu- A Proper Exoskeleton is coming.

Published on 20 Nov 2020 / In Film & Animation


Check out this video, the white supremacists are trying to leech from the mgtow community now. You are attacked from the left and you are attacked from the right. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, leave Biological women to die.

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

I figured this went beyond saying, but printing and growing body parts in a zero g to a transitioning Gstrain is how we can extend our lives with access to space.

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PlazmoidialSoup 4 years ago

It's a matter of scaffolding or lack there of not wanted in a moving organ like a heart. So we can "clone"/print our own organs with less risk of rejection

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bin4ry_d3struct0r 4 years ago

If they can 3D print a woman and remove the cunt gene, it's all over for them.

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