Terrible News Item
Published on 25 Jan 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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I have to admit I've had a life long HATRED of Football or Soccer as some call it. Just never did anything for me in the slightest. Kicking a ball aroun with the kid's on a Sunday afternoon is ok, another thing I hate is the sound of a football being bounce on the path or wall. I prefer to use my HEAD! Not tobang on the wall or path buty to do brainy shit! lol!
How terribly sad!
poor lad
The nanny state makes all infantile and emasculated, all the while screaming justification for unborn murder. Life has no guarantees, only death. What is in between, choices and consequences, do what with it as you may. Luck and opportunity a roll of the dice all must face, good or bad, deserved or not, none of it a promise to be fair. Live well, glories never undone, wonders everlasting await.