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Terrifying NEW LAW Targets Christians | John MacArthur, Paul Washer. (Reaction)

Published on 24 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

Terrifying NEW LAW Targets Christians | John MacArthur, Paul Washer. (Reaction)
Depraved "Pastor" MOCKS God in Unthinkable Way.... United Methodist and The False Christian Church. How to Recognize a FALSE Church. T.D. Jakes recently gave His Woman Thou Art Loosed 2022 conference to his daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts and it was a Major doctrinal disaster! Joel Osteen is a Motivational Speaker at Lakewood Church in Houston Texas. The END of Christianity in America Right Before Our Eyes? We are seeing an attack on Christianity and Truth in America more severe than ever before. It is because we have Christian musicians and Christian Teachers that are unwilling to stand for TRUTH.
Most false teachers never share the whole gospel because it is not nice. Thats why feel good teachers like, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, TD Jakes, etc... are so dangerous.
How to share the Gospel and Apologetics.
Mike Winger, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Wretched Radio, Todd Friel, TreasureChrist (Reformed Wiki 2.0), Ray Comfort of Living Waters and many other Christians leaders have great videos on Biblical Truth! This is a Christian reaction video where I react to current events.


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KEEPER 2 years ago  

What do you guys think of this?

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sauger1001 2 years ago

God is letting these self proclaimed "Christians" know that HE will not be mocked. He wants those who claim to be "Christians" to obey His Laws, if we expect Him to protect us. You may not take what I say very well, but this is a test. For example, will we continue to keep the day of the "sun god" (the 1st day, Sunday) as a day of rest and worship, or will we (as God commands) keep the Sabbath (7th Day) holy? He NEVER did away with His Laws upon our Savior's death, then Resurrection, as He Himself said (Mt. 5:17-19). Until that changes, we can expect things to only get worse; not just in California, but New England as well. Then eventually, the rest of the nation. JMO.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

@sauger1001: BTW, the cross is NOT a symbol of true Christianity, but an ancient Egyptian sex symbol. Look it up. The 2nd Commandment also states we're not to make ANY GRAVEN IMAGE or LIKENESS (including crosses and statues) that is from the heavens above, the earth beneath, or in the waters beneath the earth (like the fish). God says He HATES THEM (Ex. 20:4-5). That's the Word that needs to get out. These so called "ministers" (they're actually ministers of satan; 2Cor. 11:13-15) are whining like little bitches about California's government "oppressing" them? Would GOD'S people sit their and bitch and moan like the guys in this video? NO, WE WOULD NOT!!! Instead, we get on our knees, pray, and put the entire situation in GOD'S hands! Until they do that, things will only get worse. Sorry, but it ticked me off just listening to these guys. They obviously don't obey God's Laws regarding the Day of rest and worship, and wearing an ancient Egyptian sex symbol, a cross, so do they expect "the god of this world (2Cor. 4:4) to protect them? He's the one that want to destroy the entire human race, including the clowns from WEF, Obama, Gates, Soros, etc. I've said more than enough. I'm out.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@sauger1001: was my background as growing up as a Mormon, I understand that not worshiping an engrave an image of God, it was one of the many teachings that I remember when I used to be more active. However Revelation talks about how this will eventually happen to all the christians, many Christians towards the very end will all have their heads chopped off, but most of that simply due to how Satan will gain control over the population, it's pretty fucking creepy shit, again I'm not the most religious person, and perhaps I'm not following God's will and every which way, obviously being a mgtow is kind of in the front to God's Will and what he wants for me, but I suspect that he understands the reasons why I have chosen this direction and I'm I'm sure that he has forgiveness for me having this choice given the circumstances, but I also know that God is also a just God because he stands for justice, I think all religions have some connection to God, obviously there's little things here and there we disagree on, but we ultimately all Believe In Christ or at least the Christian religions lol, maybe not so much the Muslim religions or the Jews, of course everyone has their claims from their own religious perspective, anyway the only thing I've seen happen or take place is stuff that has been prophesied, what is going on in this video and what they're talking about I still think is important given the information contained within revelation and where it all will lead. Obviously towards the end you leave it in God's hands which is something I agree with, so even if you do die or get your head chopped off, you'll be rewarded in heaven because this life is really just a blink of an eye in comparison to what the afterlife will be.

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Alucard1776 2 years ago

What is the name of this law

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