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Tesla Bots Are Worse Than You Thought
Published on 29 Nov 2024 / In
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What I don't understand is why the creepy horror movie design? It looks like an antagonist's henchmen. Why not make them female and sexy? With hair for example. And big ol anime tiddies. Maid uniforms. Why the soulless military weapon design aesthetic? Stormtroopers.
Also I wouldn't worry too much about Tesla's creations. An insult to the original Russian man Tesla. Their electric cars are overpriced trendy garbage for hipsters. Funny how people worship Elon so much yet forget that he claims ownership over a woke electric car company that also employs women. While the real production happens in China. The American Tesla offices are full of Karens who play on their phone all day instead of producing anything for the country. New cars are programmed obsolescence garbage like most tech. But the electric cars have even more programmed killswitch problems that are so obvious. Programmed to malfunction so the consumer has to keep spending money to repair or get a refurbished replacement. Constantly. Corporations do not make any quality products anymore. Desktop PC parts seem to be the only reliable tech these days.
Just wait until some idiot rich people buy one of these and it will drown the family dog or a child in the bathtub. Or a man being arrested for defending himself vs a rogue robot that malfunctioned and became dangerous. While the Gov and courts will give more human rights to the robots than people. That's how life already works. Money, land, gold, all more valuable than humans in the eyes of a communist global society we have to live in today. Even I'm guilty because my desktop PC filled with anime adult games and waifus is more valuable to me than women are as potential companions. Or me smiling in glee knowing that robots take women's jobs. Leaving them homeless and desperate where they belong as the entitled whores they are. Celestina the AI waifu > Any real female host on an internet show or the news.
Just keep in mind you should stop having kids. Your children will be hunted down like John Connor. It will eventually happen because you just know the AI will be globalized for something ridiculous like data collection for marketing/ads. You buy one of these expensive bots and it will just sit in a chair and play ads all day lol. It will be like paying for YT and not using Adblockers.
After 24 hours the robot shuts down demanding expensive repairs so Tesla can make more money. Just like your typical modern tech. It will be a disaster and cause more inflation as businesses become even more inefficient.
The companies will buy all this new tech then immediately raise prices to cover the costs. At the same time laying off real people who then have no income to buy anything. Theft and crime will increase. They better train those AI robots for self-defense or people will steal the bots and scrap them for parts.
Best to keep AI for free stuff on the internet. AI art is getting better for example.
As much as I would like an android wife at home I would never trust such a creation because a for-profit corporation created it. It will spy on you all day and live stream back to the company to sell your data and behavior patterns. Next thing you know a man with an AI wife bot will get arrested because he asked his property robot wife to wash the dishes instead of playing on her own Techphone all day like real women.
Or any day the big corporation plus the Gov alliance will flip the switch and use the installed robots to genocide us for population reduction of the obsolete human species. The species who made themselves obsolete. But again the corporate-produced robot will likely just fail constantly like a newer gaming console or one of those Trashphones that breaks with a 2mph wind. That way those who purchase the tech have to keep throwing money at the company who produced it.
Also they all will be made in China or some other country. They will not be manufactured in your own Eng-speaking country most likely. Robot factories producing more robots. What could possibly go wrong?
I had an annoying problem with an AI order-taker when I was picking up food before work the other day. I couldn't complete my order without the AI interrupting me asking if I want the side and drink over and over again. Trying to upsize my order with extra fixings that are not worth the extra $5 for something that should be standard. I don't eat out much and it's gotten even worse with this AI order-taker. I finally got it to shut up by asserting my dominance and telling it to remain quiet until I finished my order. I will say the AI woman voice is much more pleasant than the women working there though. They all talk like negros regardless of their background. The AI sounds like an elegant white woman. At least the AI is based in that regard. No Shaniqua AI voice. Maybe in downtown Chicago they have a hoodrat AI voice at the restaurants. Fuck that I would need a translator.
I'd be be interested to see one walk and run around Australia - on all the external roads and tracks, and the beaches etc...
Not sure about crossing creeks and rivers..
But by this stage you have an almost indestructible Terminator Robot....