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Tesla Self Driving vs Everyday Roads!

29 Visualizações
Publicado em 08 Jan 2023 / Em Ciência e Tecnologia

An uninterrupted drive with Tesla Full Self Driving (beta)

Version #: (2022.36.20)

Full PLAID review coming soon to AutoFocus:

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KEEPER 2 anos atrás  

i know last time i uploaded a video of a Tesla driver sleeping, well now to show the Tesla driver worker actually doing his job.

now i know we joke about these cars all the time and have some things against them, but i also can't help but admire just how much better these cars have gotten and appreciate what they are capable of.

i still don't like the power source for these cars, but right now there's nothing we can do about this because this is what Elon chooses to use, so we are stuck with that shit until he finds a better fuel source.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 anos atrás

Over 100 years ago, electric cars ran without batteries. Can you guess why that doesn't exist anymore? Give you a hint, Rockefeller.

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WMHarrison94 2 anos atrás

@The Man Inside: You mean the CIA eager to protect their gas economy...

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 anos atrás

@WMHarrison94: It's not about the money anymore. Is about control. Wouldn't surprise me if bicycles are outlawed soon. They can prevent you from using your eco Tesla, all they have to do is turn the switch off. Your petrol/diesel car, they can prevent you from buying fuel. A bicycle, they can't stop you from using your legs unless they chopped them off.

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WMHarrison94 2 anos atrás

@The Man Inside: It was always about control. That's how they get off...

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WMHarrison94 2 anos atrás

Damnnn. Beta huh? More like heart-attack inducing! But, he was in Jersey... Looks interesting. I would consider buying a Tesla if it wasn't for the fact they can shut them off anywhere at any time for any reason... Sorry, but no thanks. It was interesting though and encouraging as a foundation to grown or expand upon. However, I wonder how it would do on gravel and dirt roads and perhaps like water say backing a trailer with a boat or jet ski... probably wouldn't work I am guessing.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 anos atrás

And they can see and hear everything you do and say inside and around the car. Strange concept of privacy, I would say.

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WMHarrison94 2 anos atrás

Privacy is all but a dream these days. I miss when it was the law.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 anos atrás

@WMHarrison94: Because it's written on paper doesn't mean it's guaranteed.

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This was a good video..... Now to turn on the cruise control and climb into the back seat for a sleep - NEVER.

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I kind of have been wary of computerised anything thanks to Bill Gates, Microsoft and their shitty software producing "The Blue Screen Of Death" - only your in computerised moving car.....

Climb in, set the course, press the go button, and fall asleep for the next two hours......

I don't think so.

I think either drive, or pull well off the road, and sleep - but never both.

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KEEPER 2 anos atrás

i agree, and you posted this same comment on the other video where the dudes were sleeping, but i predict when the tech is finally finished, that it will lead to all cars on the road being driverless and when that happens, it will become the norm as everyone will adopt the new driverless cars and suddenly it won't matter.

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WMHarrison94 2 anos atrás

That's wat friends and family members are for! Get them to drive, much safer...

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WMHarrison94 2 anos atrás

@KEEPER: Sounds great. We will be able to get a few more minutes of sleep during the commute!

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@WMHarrison94: Masturbate and watch porn while your driving... Have a quick empty out when you have a few minutes to spare... then cook dinner in the glove compartment microwave.... Awesome.

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@KEEPER: But the system relies upon virtual perfection in the operating system and hardware, and virtual perfection in the environment - and the ability to automatically adjust and compensate. It's the issues of ironing out all the bugs and the oversights and other variables and things not yet thought of or considered and the abstract chanins of events that develop from great or insignificant starts. One guy used to write, "From little eggs do great monsters hatch" - like a good extension cord with a tiny nick in it - and that is running on the floor behind the washing machine - been there for years.... and one day the hose to the washing machine breaks and you run in with bare feet and step in the puddle and lean on the washing machine - and zap - down you go stonedead. That little nick that you didn't notice or di notice and said, "Naaaaa the extension cord looks all right to me" - wasn't tested or sealed up and the nick was forgotten about.... People die all the time from both major and almost completely innocous things.... It's like a ladder is a fairly safe object, but through it's misuse by careless and reckeless people - taking short cuts and pushing their luck, PEOPLE are responsible for more of their own deaths and serious injuries using ladders improperly, than almost any other device..... There are real and obvious issues on the roads and then there are abstractions and fairly distant outliers..... Like big rolls of steel coming off a truck tray - and landing on the road and causing chaos - that is very rare.... but wheels breaking off trucks - that is still very rare, but it's not that rare... When all things are considered - ought to programming be included for bouncing free range flying wheels? Where do the realistic risks end and the abstractions leading to death, serious crashes and bad outcomes begin - where does the programming of the software end? I put it out there that as the majority of easy to detect and avoid issues, and abstract conbinations of them, become more and more ironed out, and adjusted for, then the super fine abstractions - the statistical one in one thousand crashes - will move slowly into the one in ten thousand and then one in one hundred thousand and then one in a million and then one in ten million crashs / events. Like a slow puncture is easy to compensate for, but what about when a sharp funny object falls from a truck or a trailer and it's at highway speed and the object falls, rolls and bounces and then goes under the front wheel - causing a big cut and an almost instant deflation and then it goes under the back wheel and punctures that too... Like there was only 1 or so seconds to detect and avoid the fist sized object and there were trucks and cars on each side of the Tesla, so it could not swerve much to avoid the object and it's potential arc of destruction and both tyres went more or less instantly flat on the left hand side..... This is what I mean by abstractions.... and the greater the number of easy and common things to deal with that get programmed into the system, the more significant - proportionally, the more random combinations of events will become. While the aggregation of data will increase and the avoidance and survival of crashes etc., will also increase, there will still be corruptions in the software and hardware, and the circumstances can have alterations and variations, and there needs to be acceptance that not everything will work 100% all the time, under all conditions.... I still think far more aggregation of the software, the hardware and the environmental interactives will need to be performed and allowances need to be made for variations and alterations and defects. So we will never get a reduction in crashes and fatalities from the driven car of 0.05% of all trips result in a serious accident - but the driverless cars, coud bring that down to o.0005%....

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KEEPER 2 anos atrás

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i actually agree with a lot of what you stated, it kind of reminds me with what they had to do with the Boston dynamics robots, they would purposely push their robots to the limits to teach the machine learning to compensate solutions in order to keep on task and continue it's task, like i remember a video where they put the robot on black ice to see how well it could adjust to the circumstances, i will admit nothing is fool proof, but they eventually get rid of the vast majority of issues the more we test something. obviously nothing is ever going to be perfect when it comes to this stuff, but it will improve over time and will be a benefited if it's properly taken care of.

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@KEEPER: Good video on the icy roads.... We have the worlds greasiest clays on the flood plains.... doing 20 Kmh on a dead flat - dirt road - in second gear to keep the power on and to run through the soft boggy spots and Zzzzzz in the space of a car length - the car has spun 90* to the right and is headed for the deep water filled ditch.... Just like the black ice and snow covered roads.... Snow FAILS Compilation - A great video BTW...

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KEEPER 2 anos atrás

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i love watching those as much as i like watching the freaking car crash videos, it's weird because you think you had enough to watch after a while and then you suddenly find yet another and can't deny watching it lol.

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WMHarrison94 2 anos atrás

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: You forgot to mention random deer and kangaroos... but yeah, you're on point bro.

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GenerationLESS 2 anos atrás

Neat, but no thank you.

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red maple
red maple 2 anos atrás

Not bad for a robot. The apply pressure to steering would get annoying quickly in real life for me. Impressive in all.

Don't know I'd use autopilot that often. It only takes one mistake for a fatality.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 anos atrás

Cars that drive you to places without you needing to do the driving, and would not be just there parked have been around for ever. The name was different though, people called those taxis.

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KEEPER 2 anos atrás

that feature only exists right now because this driverless tech is in beta and is in no way finished or complete, the laws also state you have to have your hand on the wheel, so these videos where the driver goes to sleep is a bad deal and they usually get pulled over, but i suspect in the future, this won't be an issue so much and the cars will be complete self driving. but this is also because other drivers are human and humans make a shit load of mistakes on the road, if all cars were driverless, i'm willing to bet even at the stage it's at now it would be far far safer than all cars with humans at the wheel, because there's always some dipshit driving and texting on his phone or they dropped something and they struggle to grab the thing and end up in a wreck or drunk drivers or people who have a heart attack or allegoric response to something, or simply not paying attention, there are just to many times humans driving turns into a shit show, there's always some dipshit tailgating you or cutting you off or bating someone into making stupid decisions while driving. i can go on and on listing these behaviors that only humans make, sure the cars AI isn't perfect and drives like an old lady, but it's still safer than humans even at this stage to a certain extant. but i agree that it still needs work, but one day it will eventually get there.

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WMHarrison94 2 anos atrás

@KEEPER: Yeah, you forgot fucking while driving-- I think that was a thing Hollywierd tried to start... but getting blowjobs for sure... people man?!

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 anos atrás

@KEEPER: I have to disagree with you. Machines fail, a lot. Trains still crash, there's a driver, yes, but the management is automated. Delivery systems in large buildings, such as compressed air tubes, old system I know, fail, totally autonomous. Let's use a good example, a simple system. My garage gate. Only two functions, open the gate, close the gate. I have to constantly tune it. And it's as basic as basic can get. Nowadays I'm not involved in robotics, automation, electronics... But I remember very well the headaches to make the systems work, and keep them working. Calibration, sensors, mechanical parts... And the required maintenance is something most people don't see. Moving parts get worn, the sensors don't care about that. You set a value, that's the value the sensors will use. Then you need another sensor to detect the wear and create a fault code...

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