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Tesla Truck Explodes In Front of Trump Tower in Las Vegas

Published on 01 Jan 2025 / In Entertainment

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These are the opinions and ramblings of a foul-mouthed lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.

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Toki 2 months ago

Could it sound more fake? A Tesla vehicle of all things at the same time you gossip hounds are going after Elon. For now..
Either it's small potatoes compared to what the USSA has done around the world to other countries with Tesla drone air to surface missiles. While America makes it illegal to be a male in society and especially when it comes to state property = women, land, and resources. Thanks to rich people who stay at Trump Tower and want the poors to go extinct. We are all poors in their eyes Salty. I simply avoid public places to avoid problems. Notably a risky place called Trump Tower where you may get attacked by insane American women = democrats they call themselves. Or their pet males. Or possibly foreigners looking for revenge after the USSA missile killed their wife back home in their country on the other side of the planet across a large ocean. The Arid Badlands where they have oil and opium to steal, and the USSA mafia already cleaned them out.
I just hope the servant wagies who work there are OK. F the security people though lazy bastards just playing video games on the clock while they fail at their job like cops. Most are too overweight to do anything. If some rich people died oh well. That's like hearing a squatting street gang of migrants got cleaned out. They don't work anywhere either. The wagies are the only real adults around and you need them more than anyone. Otherwise you have nothing like Tubing and basic access to food/water.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Man, you real ly hate rich people: I mean sure not all rich people, but they sort of are an insiders club, though mostly filled with Satanists and pedophiles in general...

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Toki 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Rich people also benefit/spoil women and turn them into narcissists. Notice how in anime the protag doesn't care about wealth and status. He often exposes the corrupt ruling class and removes them. Jesus would not support rich people when the shepards can't afford feed for their flock because CEO wage inflation/taxes on the feed. I don't understand why anyone would simp for the biggest "migrant" squatters of society. People bitch about migrants but your own domestic wealthy class have been a parasite since before we were born. The thing is they don't work to earn anything. They simply take credit for your work and decide you get minimum wage or barely more than that.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Toki: Yeah, that's fucking Boomers for you hogging up all the wealth and burning the ladders behind them to keep us "youngsters" poor and working til death wage slaves. I suspected the same about the rich deflowering all our hot virgin women either turning them into single whore moms or whoring them up with knotch counts so high, as a black priest once said "Not Even Jesus can save these hoes." Wow... Look what's it has done to our birth rate?!? What a coincidence, wink!?! It's almost like it was planned? Like all those poor virgin Lost Boys.. Mormon Lost Boys because their perverted fathers married up all the maidens once they turn old enough leaving none for their sons...

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Toki 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Yes the managers = boomers. Or not. I know plenty of older men who worked for a living like Hammerhand. He's a boomer. Not a corrupt CEO. Mormons? Younger women sleep with their elder managers at work for special privileges. It's everywhere not just Mormons. I'm telling ya it's the management types that are the worst humans along with legit criminals who do get punished for stealing, etc. My manager at work steals from my labor and does F all. He watches TV shows while I'm working. Women have jumped into management now because it's perfect for their selfish lifestyles.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Toki: Yep. Few women, like maybe 5%, can actually do manage er management. They are too selfish always thinking about themselves. No wonder the Greeks left their asses in the kitchen... even then they cheated.

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Toki 2 months ago

@WMHarrison94: What? Being in management is selfishness. Can actually do management? They don't do anything in management except get fat and lazy. All of them. Usually the men go bald also due to karma. The fact management exists at all is proof of how humans are terrible selfish creatures. The only goods ones are non-management working men.

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@WMHarrison94: Facts, yet if your Elaine Musky or Con Man Trump you dont get to where they are at without screwing the peasants and slaves over and getting into bed with Gov contracts dealings and backing from Evil scum Jew overlords so yeah are Toki are both Right and on the same track maybe just see it from two different angles.

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@WMHarrison94: do you know if Salty has joined mgtow or AMR is mirroring his channel from Rumble as Salty was nevwr on here before maybe he gets it that Jewtube is being a Cunt

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@Toki: Facts you and WMH94 are not wrong both on same page with different viewpoints both are corrupt and run by Evil Jews Trump and Elon are Freemasons playing the big Long con ganem

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Toki 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I'm quite certain Salty has a salty hoe leech latching onto him so he's not MGTOW. I believe he's using this site for backup in case he gets banned from YT if I had to guess.

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