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testing Brest and butt physics mod in Fallout 4

Published on 14 May 2024 / In Gaming

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KEEPER 9 months ago  

this is a demonstration of a physics mod i'm currently testing for a mod author right now, so far it works well enough for my needs and it works without any really complicated installs like so many others out there, it also works for all vanilla clothing so long as they use CBBE settings and it also works for naked NPC's, i made a small video of that here, but it's super jank because of the mods i use are slow to function, but they work well enough for my needs.

if you want to see that, click on this link.


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KEEPER 9 months ago

i just hate that slow to respond sex mod, like fuck sometimes it functions fast and in other times it's slow as hell.

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@KEEPER: Ask Jesus to drop out of Low Earth Orbit, to give you a hand.

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I watched the video and I saw Demons from Hell...

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: your god damn right lol.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Waifus exist to be appreciated and lewded. Real women are from Hell. Jesus would have chosen waifu over corrupt humans. Hitler would ban all good art of women and replace it with ghey art by Gov mandate. So would women who are mad jealous of our lovely pixel creations to replace their primitive cave monkey game of prostitution. I'd like to see a real women have your back when the collapse happens and you need a buddy to help with Raider gangs. Only a waifu can be that competent.

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@KEEPER: My psychiatric medications give me spiritual clarity. Dr Feel Good recommends Phencyclidine.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: i agree it looks retarded lol, it's made in the bethesda Jank engine, however it is possible and that's all that matters, there are much better mods out there that do this even better than this, this one sucks but those are more complicated installs and i'm kind of a moron who has a difficult time installing such mods, so i stick with the jank animations mod lol. although i do need to admit, i found out the mod makes it so the chest bounce effect is less bouncy when i'm not wearing armor, but i found this out after i made this video, so the mod author made the mod make sense, the giggle effect is less abrupt when wearing armor, but a lot more bouncy when off, the armor functions like a sports bra lol.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Yeah I had this type of mod in FO3 and New Vegas. The biggest hassle I found is New Vgas requires Steam. I got mods down easy. Installing them, ordering them, etc. But Steam always fucks everything up. So I need to pirate New Vegas to play it properly. FO4 looks like shit to be honest. At least this character looks good though. FO4 looks more like Life is Strange than the based manly experience of Fallout 1 and 2. I wish I could combine the superior older games with their gameplay with titty mods. I wouldn't say this mod sucks because it's sure a ton better than the default male skeleton model they use for females in Bethesda games.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Toki: I saw a clip of a video.. it might hav been Angry (MGTOW) Guy or Repilcant Phish,but this not too bad looking THOTties was like whay are men jerking off to pixels and sex bots?! Just ask us out! She was loosing it... I mean they're bitches, it they ever had "it" ie any brain power or self control, they would have displayed it by now....

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Toki 9 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Guy thinks this mod is bad but it's good. The physics are fun. Why not? Sure it's a bit janky but that simply makes it more fun just like anime physics. Then the body definition is on point. By the way the Honey S game? It has even better bodies than this leather jacket waifu follower/pet. Last time I did this I had a special Amata mod for FO3. She looks good as F and my character looks like Samus. I got the armor mods also. Even power armors are more fem, sleek, and less actual armor of course. Combat armor is now midriff combined with short shorts holding armor plating sides. I just wish I could make the Chinese Stealth Suit blue for Samus. It's basically a Zero Suit material.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: i like FO4, is the story great? nah, but it's ok for what it was, is the roleplay options great? also not as much, but it is a fun game, and a great sandbox for infinite possibilities, my god is it a great sandbox.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: I don't like the new cartoon look. It doesn't even look Fallout universe anymore. It's like how Diablo is now a kid's cartoon when it used to be metal with succubi boobs and cool claymation effects. If you've never tried FO 1 and 2 you're missing out. FO Tactics is a team game with combat-focused missions. Anyways I have mods for Fallout 1 and can gather up the followers in the game. Then unlock them for combat purposes my control so the AI isn't controlling them. It works for FO 2 as well but I haven't tried yet. Turn-based combat as Dogmeat biting is quite fun.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: yeah, i'm really not into 2D side scrollers, i have tried and they have never held my interest long enough for me to want to keep playing unlike this kind of game, it's got to be 3rd person or 1st person for me to enjoy it, it's got to be fully interactable open world environment's, not too limited, besides there are all kinds of mods you can get for FO4 to give the game some bad esthetics at your choice, everything is at your finger tips the mods already exist to make it a real challenge, but your right about the story, it is kind of cartoony and even the style of the world to a small degree is kind of cartoony, but get a nice weather mod or ENB, then some other goodies and put the game on survival and you will have one hell of a fun time.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

you said you enjoyed FO3 and NV, it's essentially the same thing, except it just looks better and is a hell of a whole lot more fun. not as many role play options i will admit, however i do think it's great for what it exists as.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: It's not a side scroller at all. It's a RPG with the bird's eye view like classic Baldur's Gate. Personally I find Fallout 3 and NV without mods to look better than FO4 which is like Disneyland Fallout. There's also a ton of great indie games that work like classic Fallout does. You have to think before you act. Not just hold down the fire button with a stimpack hotkey. Classic is more like chess. I have 1080p mod or something for the classics. The art in higher res is incredible because it has an original look to it. The UI, menus, and everything. So much more detail than later games Pip Boy menus. Also has the best looking enemies. Just saying older games have superior art design without the 100% CGI graphics.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Do you prefer classic Star Wars with real effects? Which looks real somehow IDK how they managed to pull that off but it's amazing. Or do you prefer one million CGI video game cutscene spaceships in the prequels and shitty Disney SW? Know what I'm saying? Back in the day they used some level of real motion capture to develop games which makes them more organic than 4K gaming.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: The one thing about the newer games that the older games seriously lack is the titty mods of course. Anyways I'm playing Rome 1 classic and I own it. I have the disc. It's mine. No one can steal if from me when Fallout 4 server DRM shuts down someday. 76 is entirely useless for that reason. At least I can pirate FO4 and own it that way. Also I can't forgive the FO4 addition of the cash shop. I'm a man not a female looking to shop like an idiot spoiled child. Sorry I just hate newer games because they are garbage in every way I believe. Except indies. For example in 4 the Brotherhood are now the apparent bad guys? There's no Enclave which sucks. Then there's the token black guy minuteman fighting racism I'm sure. In FO2 you can sleep with some mob leaders daugther, then blow him to red mist with combat shogtun just like the newer games. In some ways the older classics are even more brutal. Definately more adult-themed. As I said with Diablo. It used to be so dark and brutal but it's a Sat morning American cartoon for children now. With ugly characters. Bethesda is the same as Activision/Blizzard. A woke joke corpo. They hate us as hetero men.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: top down view is also a no no for me, i refer to it as a side scroller, but that's pretty much what i meant, i'm also not into the top down view, too restrictive, i do find it funny you think FO3 and NV looks better lol, what? those games are far more jank and ugly than FO4 and the esthetics are so bad in comparison that you often don't know what your looking at because it all just blended together, anyway i played both FO3 and NV back in the day, on my old xbox, i can't play them on PC, these games have way to many problems, so does FO4, but at least with FO4 it works out of the box without needing mods to make it work, like i could play vanilla if i wanted to without the need of mods, it's just mods make it a better experience, in vanilla the load screens are like 2 minutes long per load screen and your fps is capped at 60 but the game suffers from lag spikes which needs to be modded out and some areas are really fps heavy because bethesda packed too much shit in the game in some locations, but with the mods and tweaks i have it only takes at most 10 seconds for load screens even with a mod list and other tweaks to handle other issues including allowing higher fps, not even bethesda are capable of going this fast with their next gen update, btw you do have to think before you act when playing in survival mode in FO4, it's painfully hard, to the point where i have to find mods to make it a bit less of a pain, and stimpacks you can't just use whenever while in survival, you can use them sure, but they will cause other issues, so the survival mechanics require you to have less weight in your inventory so you can't hold a whole lot, i have been cheating on that myself because i don't like that part so much, but survival also makes it so you have to focus on food and water, you have to cook your water and food to purify it, in the vanilla game can often be hard to do as you can't just cook your stuff on the fly, you have to find the cooking spots and beds in the world and they aren't easy to find, settlements are great for resource growers, anything from water to scrap to build and maintain your settlement to food and water defence, but you also have to protect that settlement and make sure it's well defended because you could lose out on NPC's dying which slows production from water to food from raider or super mutant to feral ghoul attacks, radiation weather conditions which can also kill NPC's so you have to make shelter beds and basically you have to provide for your settlement in order for your settlement to provide for you, i can't do vanilla survival by itself, it's so damn restrictive, you have to sleep to get rested to not suffer any de-buffs, sleep eat drink, defense, you have to worry about having antibiotics on hand for various diseases that you could get which the medicines are hard to come by until you get yourself a proper networked settlement of settlements dotted across the map, but even that takes far too long to build and maintain, it's very grindy and brutal, like i said, even in vanilla survival it's really tough to manage everything and handle everything without mods, it can be done, but it sucks so much, there are far more titty mods for FO4 than you understand, there is litterally a new mod for tities or whole body giggle physics or just mods in general that fix the female form to look amazing every week since this game came out it's been like this, i don't think you know what your talking about my dude, respectfully the modding scene is very big, now i will say skyrim is far more popular, but fallout is also more popular than any other game outside of skyrim because it was made to be modified to all hell even if it breaks your game lol. also with mods, you can change almost everything you don't like in the game, so it's virtually unlimited possibilities, somebody modded the Enclave into the game because they loved the Enclave so much, i wouldn't say the BOS are bad guys, but under Elder Maxam, he tends to focus on coveting technology eliminating all ghouls and super mutants and the such from the, from their view, they appear to be the good guys, but they are considered the bad guys because they don't stand for the normal ghouls who aren't feral, the only group that are completely stupid in the game are the railroad, which was aptly named because they fit in the stupid racisim story into the game, i will admit this annoys me, however you can destroy them completely and just kill them off at any point in time in the game, it's roughly the same for either group in the game, that is always a choice you can make, but you lose out on unlocking some perks and potential quests when you do this kind of thing, i agree FO76 is shit, i don't own the game and neither do i want to, i'm not into online games in general anyway i will stick to my single player sandbox games thank you very much lol. i also turned minutemen Preston gravy token black guy into a white dude the other day lol, with mods anything is possible, i agree that it doesn't make any sense that there even would be black people in the game, especially when you consider black people weren't numbered as high back then and wouldn't have likely survived and maintained their melanin skin tone after all the generations down the road, that's just bethesda trying not to be racist like every other moronic industry does these days, so is it lore friendly? no, not even close lol, what would have more than likely happened is the bombs fell and people wouldn't have survived at all, but because this is a video game based in science fiction, they make it all possible, even stupidly in the institute which is 99% white skin people somehow still have black people, nearly 300 years down the line, if they wanted to be realistic, that line would have been weeded out of the institute a long time ago, because what happens when a black person has kids with some white women, their kids lose out on that dark skin and become lighter, and it progressively gets lighter down the line, in my opinion it would only take a few generations to take out all the black skin people simply because there weren't that many in comparison to every other skin color that was around at the time, so again this is just progressive bethesda trying to appeal to the modern audience ESG scoring board like every other company is nowadays. the nexus staff can also be progressive ass hats in this regard as well, but i never give these fuckers any money or allow their ads to show up on their page, so as a user, they make nothing off of me, i'm just a leech as far as i'm considered, i'm a freeloading free user, the nexus will try to ban mods and modders who do anything against their progressive ideals on the site, but there are so many other sites that offer what you want, that it simply doesn't matter all that much, so you can always find the mods you want, you just have to find them somewhere else if not on the nexus, sadly they used to be far more open lol, however some people have discovered some loop holes and have been allowed to make some things possible in the game, such as that mod i used to change the token black guy white, that was made possible from a follower mod that allows you to edit your followers and change their race, but on the surface it's just a follower mod with extra features for maximum capability of choice.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

this mod is using a loophole to get passed the nexus staff, but i also believe the nexus let some things go simply because the users like something, so if someone uploads something against their ideals, meaning their woke agenda and it's popular enough of a mod, it tends to be fine and stays on the nexus, but if you can't find it on the nexus you can always find it on loverslab website. this is an example of a loop hole mod i downloaded the other day, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/82237 https://staticdelivery.nexusmo....ds.com/mods/1151/ima

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KEEPER 9 months ago

part of that loop hole is that these images are generated using AI, funny how AI saved this mod lol.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

and this is just a magazine mod, people including this modder are uploading new stuff daily.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

this guy really likes his Asian girls, i mean some of them look really good, but i want a little more variety to be honest.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

to be honest with you, nothing in any fallout game is realistic, everything from the super mutants to the ghouls to the idea of people living above ground generations later down the road with as many nukes went off around the earth in the lore, if any humans survived in that scenario it would be the people in the vaults or in the institute, but they wouldn't be leaving the vaults that soon either, the earth would go through a period of time that would be like the glowing sea in the game for hundreds of years, possibly even more before the earth could heal itself, the vast majority of the population wouldn't be alive, but because these games are science fiction, it's given a pass on this idea.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Like I said Diablo 2 and 1 look better than 3. Because it's made for men. It's metal. Dark, not Easter egg pastel coloring. Same with most game franchises. Starcraft remaster looks worse than the original. Rome 1 remaster looks worse. The UIs have no original appeal anymore like the Fallout 4 menus. So bland. There's no art at all other than the power armor UI which is good by the way. Classic DOOM is better than newer DOOM. The older games just had more masculine oompf to them. They didn't have female artists in the studio.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: I'd rather watch Berserk than Pokemon. That's the best way to explain it. I don't play Mario games anymore. I do like the old FF6 look though. Basically I don't like bright colors unless it's a waifu. For Fallout I expect a dark washed out world because that's post-apoc. Mad Max doesn't need a hot pink leather jacket.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Nice AI art mods. I like how some of them have a theme. Now when it comes to waifus I do like the color. Such as the redhead and blonde elf Asian. Jinx would hot without the tattoos. He's using the feamle master race of AI art. That's a halfu. Half Asian and half Caucasian. Asian face, but can have lighter hairs and eyes. With a white girl's thicker curves and lighter skin. Real Asian women are nowhere near this good.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Regarding those pictures. I did something similar in Subnautica 1. It's really easy to port in your own JPGs or it may PNGs to use for picture frame images in your base. I used Samus blue suit bikini for example. Or aquatic monstergirl for the water planet theme lol. See in that game it makes sense how there's some bright coral and fish. I'm pretty sure I've done image mods in something else as well but I can't remember what. I do all my own self-modding and usually have no issues installing pre-made ones. For help I would advise watching Gopher's mod tutorial. I'm sure he has one for whatever FO4 uses. One of the best mod help channels out there. I got my FO3 set up so good thanks to his guide for FO3. But he does the other Bethesda games like Skyrim also.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Oh right I made custom portraits for characters in Icewind Dale. It's a D&D game just like Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Not Baldur's Gate 3, but the team-based God view like classic Fallouts. I also recently hacked my Rome 1 battle camera using scripts so I can visit the stratosphere for the God view of the battlefield.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: I'm not sure how FO4 works. But I used Nexus Mod Manager, the FOSE script extender for FO3 which I assume exists for 4 as well. Then did my own tweaks of mods and a few tiny things like Amata's eye color with FO3Edit. Then use LOOT which is a load order sorter. I assume you are using similar programs because it's the same for New Vegas. My body and armor mod for females loots the dead raiders or any females of all clothing if you take their armor/clothing items. Now that's realism lol. I hope FO4 has the command console as well because that's super useful and saves my game from problems like NPCs who died falling through the map. Or getting stuck in collision when indoors with a table or bucket. I hope FO4 doesn't still have that problem. Pretty sure it happens in New Vegas. You're only option is reload or console command no clip to get unstuck.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: so if you can't tell from my video, i'm using a pip boy mod, that allows for it to be full screen, the reason why i chose this mod specifically is because bethesda thought it would be a good idea to view the full pipboy even to the extent where it's on your stupid arm, but i have significant difficulty seeing my pipboy screen before i found this mod, like when i first started playing this game, the screen was so far away i couldn't see what the hell was on my screen a lot of the time, i had to constantly open the console to set my fov to something like 40 just to see what the hell it was showing me, it was annoying as fuck, and some people like the esthetics of the outside pipboy, so much so they make stupid color variation mods for it all the time, and simply put i don'

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KEEPER 9 months ago

don't care, sorry i hit enter too early, this button is simply too close to the enter '''''

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KEEPER 9 months ago

anyway i don't like seeing the full outside of the pipboy esthetic for this reason, i want to see everything that the screen displays, so that's why it looks like this in my game, also i'm using another UI mod for the pipboy and the map is also altered via a mod, because before even with the FOV set high enough to view the map it was so damn ugly and it had that damn ugly as hell monochrome color that makes things harder to see was the default map it just frustrated me to all hell using it.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: as for the magazine mod, i chose this one because it looked the most realistic, i can't get into the cartoony porn stuff myself, lol, funny how we are opposite's on this little detail lol, you want your fallout to look ugly as hell and me i want it to look pretty and colorful lol, but when it comes to waifus, you love the cartoony shit and i hate it lol. anyway i chose this mod because it looked more realistic, there tons of cartoony ones on the nexus that i just avoid like the plague, i tried one of them, that was tasteful but it was very cartoony, i think it was also created via AI, but it was just too cartoony for my tastes.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

https://staticdelivery.nexusmo....ds.com/mods/1151/ima again, tasteful, but too cartoony for my taste.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: yeah gopher is a great dude for modding, i like his stuff, gamer poets is also good for tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07-JVWDn7LA but i don't like using MO as a modding program, i did use it for many years but since then i just folded to how easy to use Vortex became, i just got sick of pulling out my hair whenever MO was doing something that annoyed me to all hell and needed something more simple, also i'm not self taught, i do need tutorials and shit like that, as i have said i do mod my games, but the more complicated installs i have a significant harder time even with these great people for modding tutorials, sitting there for too long makes my brain hurt, like i really don't like the modding aspect of spending hours just trying to make my game work, ya know? and though i have done this, i do find it very time consuming and annoying as hell, but it's also why i'm excited about this new giggle physics mod, it just works out of the box for me, it's not some highly overly complicated install process like so many other physics mods are, so i like it because for me it's the first time it's ever been this easy to get one of these damn physics mods to properly work and an easy install process.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: yeah BG3, just another game that might be good, but i hate the camera view, to me i still feel it's a sidescroller, or top down view, i just don't like it, to me it's like playing chess, and chess is boring as hell, sure they are animated but i just can't get into that, the only game i have tried within the last decade that had this top down view was god i can't remember the name of the game because i tried to play it, and i just got too annoyed by the damn top down view, i probably should have just refunded the game, but the reason why i got it was because i like stealth games, it's just the game wasn't what i had hoped it would be when playing it, you see i thought i could change the horrible camera view, but no, it's stuck in the sky stupidly like so many stupid side scrollers, i just don't like that restricted view when i play my games, it's just too annoying to me. found it, it was called Ember Winter, i like stealth titles and they are so damn rare in this industry these days, or at least good stealth games, but it was just too stupid for me to play, i got it super cheap on sale so it was no biggie.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

like the game was 4k but all that 4k was useless if you only had that stupid top down view, like i don't even understand why a game has 4k if it's going to be this one stupid view all the time, it just bogles the mind to me, but to be honest 4 is over rated anyway.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: yeah thoes issues don't really exist that much in FO4, that's why it's considered more stable than the last few entries in the bethesda games, even skyrim runs better, my guess is this is when their peak in game creation was, it seems with starfield they fucked up on more than just mechanics with that title. i won't likely be able to play that game for a long while, my PC is simply too old, like i can barely run FO4 in some cases, my tree and grass mod boosts performance funny enough, almost all of the mods i use to boost performance is what i use to run this game on my old GTX 1070. here is the funny thing, i'm not the biggest fan of fallout in general, the reason why i like FO4 is because of many factors that all the rest failed for me in the past, it's the first title that i was able to enjoy out of the box without issue of needing mods to make it work, like to simply work without mods which this game does magnificently in comparison to the others, the other deal is i first started out as a console player and before i came to PC i always thought that all games were going to be annoyingly on the keyboard and mouse, and i hate that idea, but i learned that games over the last decade were adding controller support and that's when i made the move, i have tried multiple times to go back and play my Morrowind and Oblivion elders scroll games, but there is no controller support in those games and i'm shit at modding, my first game i learned to mod in was skyrim and i love skyrim to death, but recently over the last year and a half i have started playing more than skyrim lately is FO4, so it's not just the esthetics of why i'm playing the game, it's also my skill in modding and my capability to learn new things that take too damn long to learn just to play a game, so i would love to play FONV or FO3 again, but it's just too fucked and it's just easier to stay playing FO4, i do like the game, but i do want to play the older titles and not have to go through a bunch of bullshit just to play the older titles, like i hear rumors of bethesda possibly doing some remasters of these games, but who knows where that will lead, bethesda have been too busy running themselves into a dumpster fire to spend any time doing a proper remaster of a game. so my only alternative is the modding scene, i hate most games that don't offer modding so i really don't play a whole lot of anything else, i do have cyberpunk and that game is a really good game, not quite as open sandbox as skyrim or FO4 is, but both witcher 3 and cyberpunk are great games and i love them as is, but it's rare for me to get into other games, i did like assassins creed, but Ubisoft just like bethesda are too busy running themselves into the ground, i can enjoy some of their past work though.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: anyway going back to FO4, i had to change so many things in this game for me to really like it, like i hated the dialogue functions in the vanilla game, yes i play on controller, but using the yxba buttons for dialogue options was ok in the beginning, but bethesda chose to hide the text so it was always a mystery what your player would say, it was an annoying choice, so i found a mod that properly displays the subtext so i could make my choices effectively and not leave it to chance like bethesda intended, it was a stupid design that they were trying out i guess, i preferred the UI format in skyrim over this nonsense, i still don't like the UI even with the mods i'm currently using for FO4, but it's difficult to find the mods that offer everything i like in them. i also like the voiced protagonist in this game, like i understand the reasons why people don't like it, but what i believe bethesda should do in this case is provide the player the option to have a voice or not via some checklist choice in game settings, so it can either be turned off completely or turned on, everything has to do with player choice, the pronoun shit, that could also be a setting that you can turn off whenever, just allow as much choice as possible in your games, this is what will solve 99% of people's issues with the games they make. choice is the spice of life.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

like why do they think people like modding their games so much. it's the fucking endless choices and options we can make.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

there is a mod i used that took a lot of the woke shit out of the game, like it replaced NPC's who were black or female with men and white people, that mod was taken off the nexus because the nexus are idiots who lead themselves by their pussy's and not what their gaming site was made for, escapism of real world bullshit.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Hm. I remember modding the Pip Boy in 3 so the text is smaller and the scrolling menus have more one screen at once. Def changed the entire game's FoV because all first person games have FoV for consoles with couches ten feet away.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: One thing I rolled my eyes at was the New Vegas Gold Pip Boy. Bling bling. So lame. That's what I mean by the classics are best for art. The Pip Boy is part of the bottom UI and it's has this perfect rustic look to it with those punched nameplates and worn-out buttons. It's not pretty, it's weathered and durable like a reliable old beat up wrench.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: I have hawk eyes though. That AI blondie is incredible. AI Piper there is way better also. The costume and bikini top yes. Notice how the blondie has the 50's housewife look. That's why I like waifus. How could you like anything else? By the way waifus don't have to be cartoony. Just fictional/drawn/animated/not a real actress's visage. Normal unmodded Nora is a waifu for her looks alone. Again I don't know the woke story of 4, but she has that housewife look. What about let's say Street Fighter women? Are they sexy to you or cartoony? Today's games they look more real than anime style starting all the way back with SF4 models.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Best stealth game I've ever had is Manhunt from Rockstar. It's not pretty because it's from PS2 days. But it's on PC now and makes you feel like you are seriously in a human hunting game where you are the hunted Running Man. Without all the silliness of Running Man. Oh no. Manhunt is just brutal no censorship back when Rockstar was really good. It's also a racist, sexist, all the the things. It's great.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: FO4 doesn't come in a box with a disc. Another reason I hate it. My New Vegas is on disc but will not launch without Steam which no longer works and it sucks dealing with it. I'm done. If I ever play NV again I'm just pirating a copy. FO3 I had to crack the Windows Live DRM but it's easy. The classic trilogy has none of these problems. They work out of the box. FO4 requires Steam which is that not a huge hassle? I think it is. It's not an online game after all. Updates breaking mods. Then Steam can take everything away if they want. I hope you pirated FO4 or something.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: yeah i remember hearing about manhunt back in the day, i didn't know it was a stealth title, i thought it was just a super gory simulator, i was simply too young to play that game and growing up the way i did didn't allow me the agency to play such games, i probably would have enjoyed it. however i'm also into less gory stealth titles, still gore in them, but more about the stealth, the first stealth title i ever got into was thief deadly shadows, and i wanted to play the older titles even though they were significant downgrades of the slightly newer one, but i had the same damn issue with those games i had with the older FO games, the controller support isn't there and i tried and tried and just couldn't get it to work right, plus i found out that deadly shadows was a bit more streamlined from the past two, which meant there were little things that i didn't like at all when trying to play them, like picture picking a lock, but you had to constantly change back and forth your lockpicks just to unlock a door or a chest or something that involves a lock, in the slightly newer game that was streamlined so that you just had to listen to the tumblers and or feel the pressure of the lock if using controller, it felt like you had to actually have skill, there was no need to have 2 separate buttons to switch which lock pick to use, it was the same lockpick, they also streamlined the keys, so instead of going through every damn key in your inventory testing it on the door, the game just chooses automatically which key is the correct one to open the door, that was a good idea because it made it less complicated, but yeah i loved all the gadgets and methods of stealth in the old thief games, they made a game called the dark mod and that's kind of old school and new, it's just a mod though, it was originally built within the old doom engine from 2006 i think... now onto splinter cell, i freaking loved splinter cell games, it wasn't the old fashoned stealth like thief but it had it's fare share good shit and addicting gameplay loops, then they focused more on shoot em ups for the splinter cell games, and that was fun as well but it kind of sucked because i missed some of the old stealth stuff, both thief and splinter cell were the only stealth titles that i personally know of who did stealth correct, where it depended on your sound and your clothing and your lighting, to many modern stealth titles forget about darkness completely for some dumbass reason, don't get me wrong i liked dishonored, but it wasn't really a good stealth game, it had stealth in it, but it was very simple stealth and not really realistic from what we got from games like thief or splinter cell games.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: steam can be a pain in the ass i will agree, however if it becomes an issue for the future i will just get my games from GOG, because they won't allow the online nonsense on their platform, i mean you have to be online when you download the game but after that you can remain offline all the time, they don't act like steam does and require you to check in constantly just to play your games.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: the esthetic for the old Fallout looks cool, but i'm afraid i would have the same issue that i had with FO4's pip boy menu, it would be too far away and they keep showing the unnecessary things of the outside of the pipboy, like all i care about is what the display shows and if it's full screen or not, like i could care less about seeing the dials and buttons, i just need a proper menu i can see well enough and understand well enough. a lot of people on the nexus really like their pipboy skins or pipboy replacements, like there is this one popular one called the PIP pad, which is basically an tablet or Ipad pipboy, i think it's stupid, it might look cool esthetically, but it serves no purpose other than it just looks cool. again it looks really cool, it's just not my thing, https://staticdelivery.nexusmo....ds.com/mods/1151/ima https://staticdelivery.nexusmo....ds.com/mods/1151/ima https://staticdelivery.nexusmo....ds.com/mods/1151/ima https://staticdelivery.nexusmo....ds.com/mods/1151/ima

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KEEPER 9 months ago

like i don't care for seeing my players hands and fingers either, just the menu in the actual pipboy is all i care about, that way i can see everything without issue.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: If you need controller support try x360ce. It's a program that emulates Xinput. Most games will work with it. Now what Thief ever on console? If so then x360ce will certainly work for it.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: GoG forced me to use something called Galaxy to install some games. I'm out of these also. Sell me an honest disc or I'm pirating it. I'm not buying digital gasoline either. Or digital toilet paper. Digital goods are not only worthless. They are stealing from us breaking fair trade and consumer respect.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: I hate tablets, smartphones, etc. So I hate that fragile Pip Boy. New tech is just garbage. Everything really. Except desktops for some reason. I don't understand why desktops are exempt from engineered obsolescence. If you ever get bored try this to at least see the charm of the old game with a British bloke comedian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?....v=Zl9B1Ri-lkE&li

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: so i have been using an app for controller support called controller companion that i got off of steam since 2015, and it works with damn near everything, however it can't take care of some things in these older games, such as using menu's in Obilivion i could play the game when it came to walking around and activating things, but when it came to using the menu it was hell to deal with, because it was specifically meant for keyboard and mouse, like i had to painstakingly click on this very small thing that was nearly impossible to click in the manu's using this method, because it was never meant for controller and it was the same issue playing the old thief games, deadly shadows was a bit easier to deal with over the older ones, there were just to many factors that made it nearly impossible to play, there is also a big difference between a game having controller support and a game having partial support, it's just better that the games are fully controller supported, now when talking about using console commands, it makes sense to use the keyboard and mouse, but everything else can be done on the controller mostly, but only if it was made that way, so there are some mods that require me to use customised key bindings and i can take advantage of some of them, but clearly not all of them like i have this mod that allows me to refresh a NPC's face when they do that annoying black face bug that's in every damn bethesda game since the beginning of time lol, anyway i was able to use 2 separate keys and bind them to 1 button, but i have to use a alt button to activate them, so in order to do that for this game, i had to use my sprint key which already had that function, but because the controller support was built in, my new binding didn't end up erasing itself for the alt binding, so it helped that the game came with that built in controller support and allowed me to make custom bindings, you can basically see me using it at the beginning and end of every FO4 video i upload, when you see me using that little menu where i change my weapon or save my game, using dpad up to record or turn off recording on the fly, and to refresh NPC faces it's dpad down, and dpad left is to open another mods menu, i haven't gotten very comfortable with using that as much yet, its still new to me, and if i want i can make a custom binding of dpad right, but right now it's nothing along with all the other alternate bindings.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: i know this is an old post now, but i just wanted to show you a video about a mod i had no idea about up until now to recreate the capital wasteland in FO4's engine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPlwfEzVpQU so i may actually get to play this mod.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Sorry I don't like it because again the UI and Disney kid's film color scheme. It just looks like a cartoon compared to the legit version. With all my mods my version looks better than that video lol. Shout out to FO4 ghouls by the way. I forgot about ghouls and mutants in 4. They look retarded and no longer intimidating. I remember the ghoul looks like a potato sack. In classic Fallout they are truly shambling zombies, while in 3 and NV the ghouls are hyper-zombies that are seriously well-designed. Why give ghouls a potato sack? Because they are naked? Yeah they are feral zombies of course they don't care about clothes similar to Deathclaws or mole rats. Sorry I just hate newer games they are so cringe. At least mods are amazing. Check out Tim Cain on YT one of the original creators of early Fallout explaining why new games suck.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: I have a mod that not only removes the green tint but lets you use different tints on the fly. There's so many options it puts typical game option menus to shame. I believe it has a cute name like "Director's Chair." So I have weather mods and lighting mods at the same time on demand at any time. I know you like mod repacks. But I spent a few days getting my FO3 set up personally and the satisfaction afterward is worth it. Have you seen Tales of the Two Wastelands that combines FO3 and NV into one game somehow? Not sure how it works but my fav Fallout guy True Nerd has an entire playthrough.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: i have a mod that does all of this and then some, but i typically use it to make my game look good, but i do have the choice to make it look like hell and play like hell, like there is this storm weather i hate to all hell that randomly activates while i play and i can't seem to ban it from the list, anyway it pretty much turns the landscape into a burning wasteland and even if i'm wearing a full suite of power armor i can still feel it's effects and i have to find cover or a cave to escape it and there is no knowing of when it will end, then there's another one that sets off nuclear blast's all around you and when they spread across the landscape it turns into a radiation storm from hell, like don't get me wrong it looks visually impressive but it turns the wasteland into a hell scape but it comes with all the multiple filter presets as well, it's a combo mod that controls the weather but also allows you to adjust anything from camera angles to FOV to filters and save them all in presets, like if i really wanted to, i could make the weather always resemble bad weather no matter what, there won't be a clear beautiful day ever again with that mod, no more Disney land FO4 LOL, but that's just the esthetics i'm talking about, but this is why i like the combo mods because they provide multiple choices and allow the player to have as many choices as possible to cater to their vision of what the game could look and feel like. the burning landscape weather looks something like this scene in the riddick movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98I5LTPcRnw i will have to show you what that looks like but this clip is a pretty good representation of what it's like.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

maybe not quite like that scene, but as best could be replicated in a video game, like i said i will have to upload what that weather looks like, it's really cool.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Yeah those weather option toggles are not reliable. If it starts raining too heavy when I don't want it I open the Pip Boy mod item and change it to calm. Usually clears up quickly. That's FO3 by the way. You must be missing something because those extreme weather options usually have a hard toggle. My mod in 3 has a nuclear acid storm but I leave it off and it never turns on by itself. But simple rain storms will sometimes activate even if I turn it off.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Toki: Well, I prefer the Claadic Star Wars like XWing Fighter, XWing Alliance, Shadow of the Empire, and even the Pod racing one... Jedi Knight too wasn't it. I barely played them though... deployments and college homework: Though, I did carve out time for Alies vs. Predator ahold. The Marine you play has my name...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@KEEPER: yeah, but the cockroaches would be there... theyvmight evolve into ghouls... maybe some merge with glowing human DNA... it would be the "Ultimate Laboratory. "

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@Toki: ah yeah that's the issue, it's possible the modder in question didn't properly test this feature and this is the result because what you said is exactly what i go through with that mod, it has a function to ban all the bad weathers but when you choose that option they seem to turn back on again and prioritize over every other weather lol it's like a joke the modder is playing on the user lol.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@WMHarrison94: sounds like an FEV experiment gone wrong lol, or perhaps the institute were involved with tweaking the FEV strain to make it worse lol. you know what's funny, most people think the institute are the bad guys in the series, but i almost view them as the good guys taking out all of the filth in the commonwealth and i side with them more than any other faction i have sided with in all my playthroughs, because i agree with their vision for the future, it's not as openly talked about, but they truly do have humanities best interest at heart, it's not just a saying that Shaun states, as i believe their goals are to eliminate all factions who have been corrupted in their DNA and must be purged from the surface to end all wars from continuing destroying the planet keeping it forever in the state of ware and chaos, you are better off eliminating all other factions so the earth has time to heal, then hundred's of years in the future after the earth has had proper time to heal itself, people can finally resurface and rebuild civilization. but that ending won't likely happen because they couldn't further milk the series for endless money, so they have to keep the story in the state of influx where it's always at war, and where that infamous saying comes in, " war never changes " it's an endless cycle of repeated history to the point where they will all eventually die off due to the constant wars between each and every faction.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

if fallout was realistic, this would be the real ending, but they can't do that because they have to continue to milk this IP until players don't want it anymore.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Damn... we should just do a whole series on mods, jiggle physics, nice asses and milky titties... I'll have to save this for later .. Monkey just started...

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KEEPER 9 months ago

i'm not the best for modding, i do mod my game but i have a very limited knowledge of modding even though i have been doing it for a decade now, i still feel like a noob lol.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@KEEPER: ok. But it's a start for "casual players" like me... and it can spread like wild fires. Pushing back against the censor machine and WEF/Blackrock Investments.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@WMHarrison94: so kind of like grimlord and gamers channel on this website? yeah i don't really watch his content too much, it's not that it's bad content, it's just not my thing, i often think to myself if i want to create content like that for fun, but there is a lot of work to making content like that makes the whole experience maybe a bit too complicated, grim just uses the games that do the still shots, i don't like that format, i like my titties moving like god intended lol, not that static shit, the funny thing about these games is they are so easy to replicate, to me they aren't really even games, they are just a story with choices and lots of static pictures.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

like a clip slider show, what was that called back in the old days? projector with still images that you slide to the next and next.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Yeah... bringing back titties and jiggle physics! Let's piss them DEI and Woke fucks off... though too bad you can't mod in "Hmm, you smell horny... Let me bend you over and fuck you like there's no tomorrow..." insert jiggle physics... and multiple positions... just saying, but I kind of think their devs would sue you...and make a patch to block it...

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Toki 9 months ago

Oh there certainly is. i would guess it's on Lover'sLab site. I know for sure they have Skyrim mods for it. Still it's kind of pointless when Honey S and other great things exist which are already designed to be adult content from the beginning. Having the jiggles, improved female form, and sexy armors is nice though. But if you're really looking for FO or Skyrim porn porn as in one male one female doing something. Then you can find it on the Hub or R34. Just skip the Argonian Maid video. You've been warned. Then again it is hilarious simply because that exists at all. To think someone spent their time doing all that for reptile that is far beyond what we know and love as anime "monstergirls."

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Toki 9 months ago

By the way I saw a hell of an exotic monstergirl in one of those shows from AgentSocialChaos. She's dark chocolate with a spotted leopard theme. Really something I normally don't get anything from dark females but she was uniquely designed.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

there are tons of mods that add in sex animations, but the one i'm using is super jank looking lol, there are lots of way better animation mods than i'm using, but they are more difficult to install and i'm kind of a dummy and have a hard time with those, so i just stick with the easy shit, i do have a sex animation mod, but like i said it looks not that great.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Toki: Yeah... I get that... the interwebs is obsessed with Lara Croft apparently fucking Akuens, mobsters, demons, and being gang banged by a group of armed mercenaries wasn't enough... the hentai online. .

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Still cool it exists though. Someone had dedication.

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Toki 9 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Yeah like normal porn it's 99% garbage. Well for normal porn I'd say 99.9%. For hentai I'd say 98%. People always go overboard with weird things. Or you look for Lara Croft and get the newer version. Same with Jill Valentine who became Chad Valentine.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@WMHarrison94: fucking AI... monsters, aliens, demons, etc...

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KEEPER 9 months ago

@WMHarrison94: this is my janky sex mod lol. it looks stupid because i don't know how to install the good mods, but this one gets the job done. https://cdn.mgtow.tv/upload/vi....deos/2024/05/xkWJsLb

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KEEPER 9 months ago

a lot of awkward standing waiting for the animation sex scene to calibrate lol.

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Toki 9 months ago

@KEEPER: Oh wow. Cheesiest pick up lines. Then the male hustles the whore for payment lol. That's how you do it boys! Turn the tables and hustle these whores. The silly innocence and ignorance of NPCs talking about "protection." This isn't a sex mod it's comedy. Chad - "You can go now. Bye." Yet I still like this dirty slut raider more than a real hoe. Even a Raider from Fallout is more well-behaved than real woman.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Toki: True that... Islam knows how to treat women... uhm... stoning?

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