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TFM Clip - It's over: stop putting hope in elections

Published on 17 Nov 2022 / In News & Politics

⁣TFM Clip - It's over, or why you need to stop putting hope in elections

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RedPillSatori 2 years ago  

I've been really busy lately, so I haven't uploaded in awhile. If you guys watch one of his shows, and like a certain segment, just message me which show it is, and the timestamp range, and I'll try to upload it on here, and credit you in the description.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

I think they will fail to bring about cbdc and vaccine passports. They are already voting in the house to remove bidens emergency powers. So I will pose the argument that cbdc will not come by 2024 or ever. I have read papers someone pointed out on the show where they failed to pull this off in countries with far more totalitarian governments. I don't think it's a good idea to set a trap here where people can't get out. There are people the globohomos don't want to be trapped with in here. I'm sorry but it's not a cathedral, it's a synagogue and it looks like they are not as smart as their elders. They keep making huge gaffes. The young whackjob criminal SBF and his sick minded gf with that crypto collapse is the most recent example, everyone knows they were connected to the Israel people and they were on the WEF website. They just keep taking L's. Beyond meat and there bug protien BS is all failing right now. They are going to be running back to zion soon then things will begin to get better. A lot of these old boomer smol hat boys causing trouble are very old. We just have to hold out for maybe just 5 years or so for them to be reunited with their pal satan. More and more people are notcing this group of elite smol hat boys are the root of most of the problems. There is nowhere to run so it makes it an easy choice for me not to leave. They are about to get BTFOed by russia very soon. They just got their asses handed too them in Afghanistan. There own libtard zoomers are starting to sperg out as the false reality they were programmed with is just crumbling day by day. Metaverse just got smoked. Twitter got smoked. Bitcoin smoked. Student loan forgiveness smoked. They are going to start getting a Lotta flack from the zoomer tranny army soon.

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RedPillSatori 2 years ago

I hope you're right. CBDC is the last piece of puzzle to globalism.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

Keyne West, shows, 95% of holywood execs are jews, and I want to say right now, IT IS A TOTAL COINCIDENCE

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Pompousandfaggy 2 years ago

I’m just asking questions

Why were the Germans so upset with the Jews?

Who declared war first Judea or Germany?

How many of those ovens you referred to would be needed to Cremate six million human bodies over a five-year period? How long would that take… And why can’t we look for mass graves to confirm that number?

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Pompousandfaggy 2 years ago

Bonus question: why does everyone that try to fight a central bank and make solid non-fiat money always end up assassinated?

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

If you can't question something, you are being lied to.

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Pompousandfaggy 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: [wink] Exactly

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

own the holocaust, it happened, stop being a cuck, at least be honest about it

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Pompousandfaggy 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: i’m not saying Juws die. I’m not saying Hitler wasn’t a psychopath. I just want someone to explain the math to me because I’m good at math and I don’t see how it’s possible for 6 million Jews to be killed and cremated in that short span of time

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Pompousandfaggy 2 years ago

*jews didnt die

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: Its just impossible for the numbers they are claiming. The camps were labor camps. It doesn't make sense that a camp built for extermination has a pool, camp currency, a place for babies to be delivered, tennis courts, theater, library, etc. The red cross was let into some of the camps and they did not find any indications of a gas chamber. Zyklon b was a delousing agent to be used on garments and bedding. Is it good that the jews were condemned to hard labor? no, but its understandable in the context. Were there jews that starved? yes, but the allied forces starved as well and some even resorted to cannibalism it was so bad. Why would they use fuel in crematoriums to run them 24/7 which still wouldn't allow for that number to be achieved? they needed the fuel for the war effort. There were mass graves, but this contradicts that so many were "gassed" behind wooden doors. I believe there were isolated incidents of people doing insane things that got blown out of proportion. There were US soliders indicted in the iraq/afganistan war for raping a woman or somthing, stuff like this happens today still, war is a cruel thing. There is a short video on my channel that shows the cremation process and even when they are done they still have to grind some bone remains. Six million is an immense amount of bodies. for there to be no evidence to recover to support this is preposterous.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: it was the only time in history a jew was seen working.

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Pompousandfaggy 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Yes precisely great post. I know all those facts but I try not to mention the nuance because it’s hard for people to understand. Most people don’t understand that it takes two hours for a body to be cremated. So now we’re at 12 million hours. I feel like if you just stick to the one basic thing that you can’t mathematically cremate 6 million people in that surprise surprise they won’t let us check for mass graves. Meaning there is actually zero receipts for their claim

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: that math is not precise mate. If you put 1 body in the oven, takes 2 h. If you put 2 bodies, you need twice the energy (roughly) to turn the bodies to ashes in the same time, or wait for over twice as much. They claim multiple bodies were cremated at once. Which looking at the infrastructure claimed to have been used, is just ridiculous. Would be physically impossible, and a logistical catastrophe. Gas chambers are a LIE. No argument about that. The ovens, totally true. Do we claim every person who is cremated today is an holocaust victim? As the bodies are burned today, the bodies were burned in Germany in the 1930's and 1940's. Of everyone, Jews, gypsies, Germans, soldiers, civilians... EVERYONE.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@Pompousandfaggy: what was most frustrating for me is the ZOG media sat there and said crematorium around the world were overwhelmed with bodies when at the time less than 1 million people around the world had died attributed to cosid19. They saw no problem with this crazed lie. I mean this was with the people spread out not just at only 6 different camps. What's worse is that there is a video I showed on my channel, that clearly shows the cremation process using modern technology and it clearly shows that even after the best methodologies are used, there are still bones that need to be ground up after the process. The situation cannot be properly explained in a logical way and the reason why is because it's impossible for that amount of people to be gassed and cremated without some form of alien technology or something. It would be easier to fly six million people to a volcano trip by trip and throw them in doing a combination of Pinochet and Hitler combined. Even then you wouldn't have enough time. It's just crazy when you look at the facts.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: germany doesn't really have accessible crude oil in large amounts, its for this reason once again they became so dependent on russia and the nordstream pipelines even so many decades later at present, it is still an issue. At that time during the war, they made gasoline from coal using a special chemical process called Fischer-Tropsch, this was the primary way they produced gasoline to feed their war machine. This type of advanced logistical operation required a fully staffed labor camp and at times people working under grueling condition without optimal nutrition when supply lines were interrupted. Its doesn't make sense that extermination was the primary objective here, they were absolutely needed for labor it even said "Arbeit macht frei". The chosen ones that were at these camps may have died many different ways but it is truly insane to suggest that the crematoriums were running 24/7 to gas and cremate it would just be too resource intensive. Near the end when things started to fall apart as germany was losing the war, it probably led to severe starvation all around others got sick from typhus. the numbers just do not add up. If they genuinely had the capability to do what they claimed was done, there would literally be nobody left to tell the tale, they would just be vaporized into a cloud of smoke and they would have seen no bodies to have anything to show.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: a fact ignored by everyone. There were nowhere near 6M jews in Europe at that time. And there were more jews in the world in 1945 than there was in 1939. How subtracting 6M makes a larger number?

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@The Man Inside: I know man I'm just tired of the lies and manipulation. It is easy to make it work back then when there were only newspapers, now with the internet you can look at the information more clearly and see with accuracy the falsehoods

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: later today I'll upload a video where according to the people who made video, "Nazis" (whatever that term is suppose to mean) were the ones who killed JFK! That video has a load of bollocks, but I'll upload it anyway as it explores other views too.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Trump will probably be assassinated, unless protected by Divine Intervention. JMO.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

Not so sure. They don't want any martyrs.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

Although TFM will never read this, and me agreeing with him on almost anything... Hitler was the one aiming at making Germany great. And gas chambers! TFM is a very intelligent man, but history from the story books... Dig deeper TFM. Who wrote the books you read in school?

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ExperimentalGroup 2 years ago

Furthermore, who owns the media? Especially at that time.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 years ago

@ExperimentalGroup: the same ones who invented the term "Nazi".

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