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TFM thoughts about growth of the website

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Published on 06 Dec 2020 / In Film & Animation


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KEEPER 4 years ago  

i created this for amr to see. but i think it's a great idea, none of these ppl need to know which website is the original website.
i personally think it's a great idea. especially since the server is one in the same when it comes down to price in running the server.

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AntiCuck1982 4 years ago

Yep, keep pua , and vagina worshiping incels out of here

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KEEPER 4 years ago

finally! someone who got the message the first time. everyone keeps misinterpreting what TFM meant.

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

I don't want pua on

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KEEPER 4 years ago

that's not what he's suggesting. he's talking about creating separate websites for separate things. because ultmatly at the end of the day it's all about keeping this website alive. and the server cost is the same no matter how many websites he has. i just learned this myself when i talked with amr the other day. so PUA and incel stuff wouldn't show up here at all. but they would only show on separate websites with other names.

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: i know but PUA are delusional. They think that can still go out and pick up women all that is over in post #metoo

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KEEPER 4 years ago

only mgtow stuff will show here, on and if he creates other websites like example that's another website and then an but all owned by the same creator respectively keeping the main website alive.

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: i agree on the method that he should make an or a so you can see those video there

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Inslayerclone: i agree they are delusional, but the whole purpose is to keep the main website alive while using all these other website's effectively keeping this website alive with the same paying model on these other websites respectively. it will keep the PUA and incel out of but who says he has to stop there? it's essentially like owning a house and renting it out to someone else to pay the mortgage on that house. but with multiple separate houses. do you understand?

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: i am technically an incel but i am going my own way. I been mgtow since 16 years old but i don't have no desire to have women

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Inslayerclone: some here would reject you. but i don't think that way, because to me the acronym means it's really your choice, you are a man who is going your own way. so i accept you within that meaning. but a lot of guys think you have to go get married and have kids and make all the same stupid ass mistakes in order to be a mgtow, but i think these standards are stupid lol and effectively pointless to make someone go through just to use the title lol. but i'm glad you made this choice because it's really a red pill just accepting the truth and learning from others mistakes and adjusting your lifestyle to what you value instead of just going by the dictionary definition which is stupidity and i hope other men learn to look past the idiots who only follow that standard like you did.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Inslayerclone: because ultimately at the end of the day, mgtow is all about redpilling men into refraining themselves away from the bullshit of the main stream. that's where the red pill comes in when it comes down to the matrix scene. you are at least willing to look passed the blue pilled reality and take the truth instead. most would rather stay in their blue pilled state of mind because most want so much for it to be the truth that they will ignore all the signs so they can have some semblance of normalcy in their lives, the red pill is the bitter reality where the blue pill is the fake reality, but it's also more pleasurable depending on how much the person is willing to ignore. some ppl love their slave morality.

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: I know it not going get better i mean one of my incel discord friend you may know him because he went on the jubilee know him becasue he went on the jubilee. he wanted to marry this girl from r9k from Australia. i told him not to do it you i even link hime a Raging golden eagle video about make your own propose in life. on his livestream that what he want to do and now he probably dead or missing

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: for some men it take along time to find a different purpose in life not involving women since that was the norm

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: all the women in his comment section and laughing at him when he did his suicide livestream

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Inslayerclone: damn dude. but as i said, some ppl like their slave morality and would rather stay within it. he would be one of the many men who learned about mgtow the hard way. and it's sad, but some men make this choice anyway. i can't tell you how many times i tried to warn friends of mine who still chose the blue pilled path of marriage and 5 or so years down the road end up divorced paying for child support and alimony, working 3 jobs living in their car and are on the verge of suicide because of the mistakes they chose instead of listing to the bitter truth. there are plenty of videos meant to red pill men, but if they still choose to marry that whore, it was their choice that got them there and they have only themselves to blame for the ending. i like you chose to learn from others examples. some things i did myself and why i went my own way, but it helped me when i got burned because it taught me to be patient and learn to listen so that i could avoid some of the many outcomes in my future from happening.

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Inslayerclone 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: the reason why because he want children but he can wait a few years the artificial wombs coming. here is the video that i was talking about i don't know where he is but you can try contacting to teach him mgtow I did email him no respond

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: it actually would require the creation of a new pill, so to speak. I’ve been contemplating this for some time. MGTOW is growing to have little to do with the PUA community that spawned the ‘ red pill.’

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@ExperimentalGroup: i'm not sure it was the PUA that spawned that. but i'm a little lost in your meaning? maybe you have more to say on this?

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: obviously a matrix reference, but i first heard it coined by Tyler of rsd back in 2005. What I’m saying is that mgtow has become so different from red pill that it may not even be red pill anymore bc women are getting too volatile to game

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