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Thank You MGTOW

Published on 25 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

A thank you to all men who contributed to this space for creating the only place a feel remotely comfortablre. Witthout you i would have grown, without you i would b etotally alone and without MGTOW i would be dead. MGTOW game me the stern truth, they keys to many questions that led to so many answers. Its these asnwers that saved me and MGTOW showd me or at least guided me in the exact direction i needed.

As an outspoken vegan and truther, There is no other community i feel at home. We cannot please everyone but MGTOW is for people who want off the system, self sufficient and empathetic.

Thank you MGTOW for showing me things phsychology didnt answer anmd understanding female nature is absolutely fundemntal to ones growth of sou;l and spirit

Thank you MGTOW

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cth96190 4 years ago

Hold on brother.
I have been where you are now.
Be careful with anti-depressants that you may be prescribed.
Go to to read the side effects, of which your doctor probably did not tell you.
For example Effexor can cause dead by kidney failure.
Mirtazapine causes massive obesity, type-two diabetes, brain damage and death by heart disease.
I was prescribed Mirtazapine. I stopped taking it a decade ago and I am still struggling with weight and I have three stents in my heart because of it.
I will have to inject insulin for the rest of my life.
Do not trust anything that a doctor says or prescribes.
Look it up for yourself.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

Ty you for such a kind and beautiful advice. You are unaware that all my problems started the day i refused them. FYI. That evry day my life as been hell. My last interaction from a doctor wanted to give me drugs for my migraine that gave me covid symptoms and apparently everything i read was wrong after 6 years of negligence off them. I dont trust any state worker as far as i can spit a dead rat

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awol201 4 years ago

Blessings and Mercy to you Brother.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

treat how you want to be treated mate. Same on to you. A community is not a community without participants. so ty

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