The 6.000.000 never existed.
Published on 01 Dec 2023 / In
Non-profits & Activism
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@Mustang, what was that shit you always commented on these videos, the 6 million cunts will thank you crap? What was it?
Swallow the joo cum first, don't forget to dislike the video.
The 6 mil seems to come from their torah, prophesizing that it is a requirement before a new homeland can exist. And it is being abused to bend the truth everywhere to push their agenda. Just look at all the stories that have come out in the last century wailing about 6 million jews suffering. If you need to believe all those stories, it would be impossible for any jews to still be alive today. And if one of those stories is fishy, they all become fishy.
After WW2 they used it to overshadow the fact that Mr Hiedler successfully got 6 million germans back to work in only a couple years, to stop people from investigating how he did it. Because that would lead to people doing the same, becoming free and the jewish controlled banks losing their grip and control of governments.
The real cause for the second world war was that Germany had become a free and thus prosperous country.
For every holocaust museum that is being created, we should set up a museum next to it about "The history of six million hoaxes".
I've seen this before, but thanks for posting again brother, it needs to be seen by as many as possible!!!
The Man Inside when the world fully collapses you might just become THE JEW HUNTER haha business will be booming for you. Never trust Jews or you will learn the Hard Way