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The 7 main differences between healthy and addictive relationships

Published on 12 Dec 2022 / In Film & Animation

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This can be very helpful.

Download it, rip it to MP3 and depending how fucked up your mind and life is, listen to it 3 times a day, or 3 times a week, or 3 times a month or 3 times a year..... for as long as you need it.


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The 7 main differences between healthy and addictive relationships.

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sardonicsmile 7 months ago

23:05 I disagree with this point. If you are having sex with a female, then she is NOT your friend. She is your girlfriend, wife, mistress. That is the relationship. NOT "friend". THIS is where men go wrong in their thinking and how females get the upper hand. Females not think they have a say so in how the relationship ought to be and with manipulation "convince" the man that he needs to adjust his role in the relationship.

His lecture goes downhill from there because he is FUNDAMENTALLY wrong on this. A Man CANNOT be in a proper relationship if he thinks like this.

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All I know is that 35 years ago I was an absolute wreck..... and having gotten out of a relationship where I was 23 and she was 38 and all we ever did was fuck and a lot of it, I knew that IF I went back and saw her one more time, I'd be taking up a career in a psyche hospital, weaving baskets. Aside from the issues you have raised...... I found it overall to be very helpful - "Do this, your life gets better, Do that, your life gets worse.".... It was an immensely helpful recording..... I must have played it thousands of times, "This is what fucked up people do when they are orbiting each other and swimming in each others bullshit - and this is where it leads too..... Here is a helpful check list.... Or "Here is what you NEED to be doing, with another SANE person, to be having a SANE and HEALTHY relationship...... Here is your check list". I can live with the material that Terry Gorski produced as a key note speaker in an ACOA or Adult Children of Alcoholics conference way back in 1985 - 1988 or there abouts... That OLD cassette tape was important enough to SAVE and DIGITISE and upload and share so that others who really are in a pickle, can get a handle on their issues and they can begin to deal with them, in order to save them selves.

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Maybe you would like to do your own version of his talk - including all the points that you have raised.....

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sardonicsmile 7 months ago

Thank you for being genuine and not sarcastic in your proposition. However, I am ABSOLUTELY the wrong person to be giving advice on relationships. I have never been "good with the ladies". I am basically a deselected man. Moreover, I came from an although intact family, my parents were in large part disdainful to me. Basically a neglected upbringing. My sister, was/is a very attractive girl with unique genetics. Clear skin and endowed. I say this because her SMV is at least 100% higher than mine. I still cannot believe how we could have been siblings yet the outcomes of our respective social lives could be so dlon different ends of the spectrum. I agree with the thrust of the lecture. Insofar that MOST people come from disfunctional upbringing, especially Men, and we are not taught how and why we need to be always aware of our feelings and why we have them. This is so we can, at a young age, begin to root out our insecurities to become mire self aware and well adjusted adults. Aside: I was particularly put off at how the audience kept laughing as the speaker was trying to move through ideas and reach the audience. I thought the speaker was making some very incisive points. Perhaps it was nervous laughter as they hit home and he was hitting on their own insecurities.

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@sardonicsmile: Look up the audio books I put on this site. The millionair mind and the millionair next door.... there is a first and a second book... They do extensive research into the life styles including relationships, marriages, spending habits and how good the families are, that they come from and how much of an important role sane families and sane partners play in aquiring wealth.

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@sardonicsmile: Not get rich shit - very academic analysis on the differences and as to why some people are very responsible and manageable and are wealthy and why others are not. It's totally worth knowing about. Millionaire Next Door Audio Book 01 -- The Millionaire Mind Audio Book 02 --

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Stalwart 8 months ago

Excellent video.

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I picked that up on a cassette tape and ended up digitising it probably got it 33 years ago... It's too valuable to let fade into oblivion... I have listened to it hundreds of times.. My parents were no bench mark for anything sane.

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