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The Age of Confused Absolutists (Making Sense of Nazi Asians)

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Published on 14 Nov 2019 / In People & Blogs


Background Music: "Fonkee Ryde" by Noir Et Blanc Vie. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

Gameplay: Remnant: From the Ashes (on PC)

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OutS1D3R 5 years ago

Dr.Dutton needs to watch this video.

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DarkStarAlastor 5 years ago

37:30 imagine unironically being a racist who wants to kick out and discriminate against anyone whose different than you but then complaining that they don't want to be apart of your group.

Alt-Right guy: "Haha I hate black people, low IQ Monkeys"
Black guy: "Well I don't want to associate with this group I'll find somewhere else to go"
Alt-Right guy: "Why are black people so in-group, why aren't they trying to be apart of my group?"
Fucking retarded.

Jews are practically hated and discriminated against by everyone. In Europe they hated Jewish people and believed they were all destined for hell because of the condemnation of Jesus Christ, of course they didn't want to be apart of your group. You literally deemed them all deserving of Hell.

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WolfgangKaiser 4 years ago

I am glad other races don't want to be part of my group. I don't want them. But the difference is most White people will accept them if they intergrate, and they still don't.

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MrGuapalay 5 years ago

This was a great video and totally has opened my mind way more then I ever would have thought. True knowledge is power and going back to past mistakes and trying to dust them off and retry something that has failed over in over and thinking your method or twist could work is truly insane

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TheAnomalousHost 5 years ago

4:42 "Stop trying to re-contextualize fucking Hitler! [...] He certainly isn't someone that you should aspire to. Just because he isn't the worst mass-murdering dictator of the 20th century doesn't mean he's a good guy who didn't do nuthin'."

Well that's the thing some of them argue. That he not only wasn't the worst mass-murdering dictator of the 20th century, but that he wasn't a mass murderer at all. You know, the whole Holocaust denial thing, and the other reasons Germany went to war that isn't a part of the official narrative. Personally, I scoffed at this revisionist history stuff when I first heard about it. But I eventually did some digging into it, if nothing else than to get familiar with their arguments and point of view, and see about debunking them. The problem is, I've been unable to debunk them, and have found them to have basis in fact.

Main thing I delved into to get me started on all this was that long documentary Europa: The Last Battle. Despite what the revisionists claim, this isn't perfect. Some formatting and editing aside, it gets some things wrong about the Holocaust, how perfect of a nation Germany was prior to the war when Hitler was in charge, and gets too preachy at times. But by and large, it's enough to make people want to dig deeper into much of its claims and evidence, which by and large seems to be relatively accurate from what I've gathered (ie the cons don't overwhelm the pros). Long story short, the documentary makes statements backed by evidence that the Holocaust didn't happen, the 6 million number is highly exaggerated, and the prisoners in those camps were primarily there because they were communist sympathizers (many of which who died by starvation because the Allies bombed supply routes). It also goes into detail regarding the events leading to WWII, starting with the creation of the Communist Manifesto, the big bankers who financed the Bolshevik Revolution (and the revolution itself), WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, Hitlers rise and economic reform, etc. Makes the case that the bankers who ran the banks in all other nations that had a linked monetary system (think Federal Reserve) didn't like that Germany established an economic system that worked independently of those, so they got other countries to wage war on Germany.

Main reason the Nazis are so vilified today is because the bankers don't want there to be fond memories of a national socialist political and economic system that works without them. And also to have Allied war crimes overshadowed, so that many will pay them no mind, and not look at all the fact. It's primarily controversial because racism is inevitably going to be involved with this conversation, mainly regarding semitism, which makes conversations about it outlawed in many countries, and taboo in most others.

That's why this Hitler stuff is coming back. People are beginning to look into this stuff and get informed about it, assuming they're not those brainwashed to be emotionally triggered by it.

Made a blog series showcasing what I've covered (and argued) so far regarding revisionist history:

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T F Monkey
T F Monkey 5 years ago

It's sad that the holocaust denial kicks in as soon as the actual WW2 vets and survivors die of old age and can no longer personally verify the facts. Luckily we have that little thing called the Nuremberg Trials. Of course you can deny the testimony and confessions of the actual Nazis and believe YouTube videos instead. Your call.

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TheAnomalousHost 5 years ago

@T.F. Monkey: Ok, first of all, holocaust denial was a thing prior to this decade before the WW2 vets died of old age. In fact, some of those WWII vets were holocaust deniers (guess you could say the only ones that really qualify were primarily composed of Germans, so I guess you would take that with a grain of salt; other than them it would be primarily the Jewish prisoners in those camps, which we've been taught not to take with a grain of salt). Case in point: Dr. Robert Faurisson (who had a televised debate on this in 1979), Judge Wilhelm Stäglich, Joseph Burg (who himself was a Jew), Haviv Schieber (an Israeli Jew), among others. Second of all, I don't need YouTube videos to debunk the Nuremberg Trials (not that YouTube would allow that stuff on that website anyway; they certainly don't allow Europa). There's books (virtually all of which have been banned by Amazon). Such as The Hoax of the 20th Century by Arthur R. Butz (I'd name others, but I'm under the assumption you currently don't give a damn). Various sources which discuss in-depth the likelihood of documents being forged or cherrypicked (ie taken out of context), such as the Wannsee Protocols which supposedly contain the origin of the orders of genocide, yet they contain no such statement (and I've read through it to verify). Or the likelihood of confessions being forced out of the officers (though not all did so). Not to mention some aspects of the Nuremberg Trials are easily debunked, such as that whole thing of using the skin and fat of the holocaust victims to make lampshades and soap respectively. That latter aspect is easily debunked, and it's low-hanging fruit compared to the rest of the trial. I can go on, but there wouldn't be much point unless you express interest.

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TheAnomalousHost 5 years ago

@T.F. Monkey: That all said, don't get the wrong idea. I enjoy your work, and much of the rest of the video was good stuff.

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