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The 'Believe All Women' is based on a single massive court case and now, a lie

Published on 13 Dec 2024 / In People & Blogs

If you remember there was a MASSIVE court case involving white college lacrosse playing men and a black woman, and it kicked off the beginnings of BLM and 'Believe All Women' with the Duke Lacrosse rape case. Those of us that are a little older remember this very well as it blew up in media and around the country. Turns out after 18 years, Crystal Magnum finally admits it was a lie.

'That was wrong': Crystal Mangum says she falsely accused Duke lacrosse players of rape in 2006

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JMGTOW 1 hour ago

when this story broke back then, most men with with a double digit IQ and higher can see the bullshit for what it is. the soyboy cucks with single digit iq retards that went full retard lefty are the tools which pushed this narrative. the rule has pretty much been proven true 99% of the time, never believe women. the most telling evidence was that this story came from a nigger cunt, which we all know, has a 100% track record of being lying cunts.

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

Most women are whores: Why would a Woman do that? Because she's a pussy... period. For prosecutory DAs who lie or cheat to gain a prosecutory victory over innocent Americans or citizens, they should be shot dead, especially knowingly. That's psychopathic! Period. That is treason and tyranny abusing governmental positions or powers, not to mention betrayal on so many levels...

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