The 'Believe All Women' is based on a single massive court case and now, a lie
Published on 13 Dec 2024 / In
People & Blogs
If you remember there was a MASSIVE court case involving white college lacrosse playing men and a black woman, and it kicked off the beginnings of BLM and 'Believe All Women' with the Duke Lacrosse rape case. Those of us that are a little older remember this very well as it blew up in media and around the country. Turns out after 18 years, Crystal Magnum finally admits it was a lie.
'That was wrong': Crystal Mangum says she falsely accused Duke lacrosse players of rape in 2006
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if i said any of what i have posted here on this site on youtube, it would be deleted and youtube would censor all of my comments for however long they wish, fuck them, i would rather use this site instead fuck them.
Obama deserves his head on a pike alongside his boyfriend Michell.
then they deserve to be encased in a form of cement to keep that memory preserved for all to see as a statue and understand that this will happen to you if you pull this bullshit nonsense on ppl who are innocent.
if i was falsely imprisoner like these dudes and had to be behind bars for that long, i would find all those who were responsible for my imprisonment and have buried, this includes the judge the ppl's family's, every person involved must pay, because i know damn well the law won't give me any justice, money is meaningless when your life is destroyed, they could give me millions of dollars and it would not come even close to what they deserve.
I hope this bitch falls foul of some people who really mean business.
And the body is NEVER found.
These lying cunts do not deserve a place in the society.
When cops harass witnesses, it is witness intimidation. Police immunity needs to be seriously reduced. Cops need to start being as careful not to break the law as the rest of us.